hey everyone, saw these guys on kingsnake this week and am interested in getting some. Wondering how often they come in and how healthy they are when they come in. Anyone who has somne and would like to spare some in sight would be awesome thanks guys.
I just purchased 2.2 R. acuminatus from Gekko Corner, who was advertising on Kingsnake, and now I have a total of 3.3. Very pleased with shipping and condition of the animals which I received from Gekko Corner. They arrived healthy and look great. Strangely, both males are juveniles, and both females are full-size and appear gravid. Hopefully, they will lay without difficulty. Luckily, the male I already had is full-size and can match up with the females for breeding when the time comes. I am interested in maintaining a breeding group of these.
I have kept other pygmy species, but don't have long-term experience with acuminatus. I have them set up in three small, well-planted vivaria, with an ultra-sonic fogger which comes on several times per day, and I mist morning and night. So far, they are active, not shy at all, and have good appetites. They clearly are humidity-loving and respond well to misting and fog. The males can show robin's egg blue, which is really beautiful.