Rhino's and Daisy's home


New Member
thought id share some pics of my chams and their home + my future incubation box :)


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Hey rhinoanddaisy!! Glad you got them. A couple of things: They look great they both look like males to me.... Are you planning on housing them together? (veileds are very territorial and you shouldn't) also what's your cage made out of? Great looking. CHams though!! Congrats!:D
the larger one is a male that's rhino he's 3 and daisy is about 6 months, they are only together when im in the room :) and their home is made of glass but the side closest to me in the pic is like a 1cm by 1cm plastic mesh screening i decided to do this as its hard to keep in the humidity and rhino is fine with his reflection as he is with daisy :)
you need a habitat that is more vertical than horizontal. You are basically confining your chameleon to the bottom of the enclsoure the way you have it set up. There should be branches and vines that are suspended in the air(like they live in nature) not branches laying on the bottom like that. So you keep them together then? you said "their" enclosure. Have you had your 3 year old in that set up for long?. I don't mean to offend you but the way you have things set up is very unnatural for your chameleon.
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sorry lauren i didn't know your name hahaha.. veiled chameleons are arboreal species by having them in that cage with branches in the ground you are creating stress on them because they can not go higher. like carol said your cage should be more vertical than horizontal.
you need a habitat that is more vertical than horizontal. You are basically confining your chameleon to the bottom of the enclsoure they way you have it set up. There should be branches and vines that are suspended in the air(like they live in nature) not branches laying on the bottom like that. So you keep them together then? you said "their" enclosure. Have you had your 3 year old in that set up for long. I don't mean to offend you but the way you have things set up is very unnatural for your chameleon.

this is a very true statement even if you can turn it on end for now would be better untill you can get a proper encloser
is the front or your cage screen or glass. It looks like glass? If so, uv rays are not gonna penetrate it. Again, how long has your chameleon been in that enclosure?. I see you have three lights? What are they?
moody daisy

you mean gravid and or unreceptive daisy?

dont keep them together anymore until the clutch is laid

not to sound like an elitist jerk but when i saw your enclosure i literally said out loud "oh god"

the coloration you see in that pic is gravid coloration, she will show it when confronted with a male after having been inseminated.

do you have plans for her enclosure with laying bin? i hope its a tad more elaborate than your fish tank

do you have a uvb bulb? or is that the cfl in the lamp aimed into the glass (the glass that filters out all of the uvb, because glass does that)
you mean gravid and or unreceptive daisy?
no because if you read what i have put she is like this because she hats the camera and the noise it makes!
she is not gravid as her and rhino have never been closer than an inch away!

dont keep them together anymore until the clutch is laid
she is not pregnant!

not to sound like an elitist jerk but when i saw your enclosure i literally said out loud "oh god"
well you do sound like a jerk for the simple reason as rhino has lived in their for 3 years and LOVES IT!

the coloration you see in that pic is gravid coloration, she will show it when confronted with a male after having been inseminated.
they have not mated and she is this colour because i have the camera out not because she is with rhino!

do you have plans for her enclosure with laying bin? i hope its a tad more elaborate than your fish tank
obviously i do when she is a little older im looking for some 'play' sand this week!

do you have a uvb bulb? or is that the cfl in the lamp aimed into the glass (the glass that filters out all of the uvb, because glass does that)
yes i do have a uvb bulb its on the inside of the MESH not glass on the front otherwise their is no ventilation!

believe it or not i am actually used to having chameleons and have successfully raised a few of them so i think i know what im doing im open to peoples views and want to see new ideas but as their home is they are happy!
is the front or your cage screen or glass. It looks like glass? If so, uv rays are not gonna penetrate it. Again, how long has your chameleon been in that enclosure?. I see you have three lights? What are they?

the front is mesh and the branches are only low at the moment because when i cleaned it all out i didnt realise i had ran out of zip-clips so at the moment its not their usual structure! :/ im getting some today and will change it so their is more for them and the viv is 4'' tall as it is and 6'' long if i turn it the other way as it is standing on a worktop it will be too tall as my ceilings are not that high!
you need a habitat that is more vertical than horizontal. You are basically confining your chameleon to the bottom of the enclsoure the way you have it set up. There should be branches and vines that are suspended in the air(like they live in nature) not branches laying on the bottom like that. So you keep them together then? you said "their" enclosure. Have you had your 3 year old in that set up for long?. I don't mean to offend you but the way you have things set up is very unnatural for your chameleon.

its only 'theirs' for a few hours, daisy is in a much smaller one as she is so little with smaller vines ect! Rhino has been in this since he was small! i dont keep them together all the time just for a few hours as they get on very well :)
I quickly glanced at this thread ...my reaction to your setup is exactly the same as DekuScrub...few "gut" reactions, as I'm sure others have mentioned...

Your setup is, imo, incredibly incorrect. It needs to be WAY more vertical, at least 3-4 FEET of vertical height. These are arboreal animals and do not like to be forced to sit on the ground level.

You said "their" enclosure...I *really* hope you do not keep the two of them permanently together...

Females can become gravid WITHOUT MATING. They must lay their eggs regardless of whether or not they are fertilized. They need a 12" DEEP laying bin. I think you already know this though...

As for him living there for 3 years...honestly, so what? You are giving him sufficient conditions to stay "alive" that is not the same as having a comfortable place to "live". May I ask what you are basing the statement that he "LOVES IT" on? You mean because he hasn't died? :)

You said you were "used to" raising chameleons...how many chams have you had? What ages have they lived to in these conditions? I am asking this merely to put it in perspective; senior users on these boards have had animals living up to 7 or 8 years old. I can guarantee you that if you changed some of your husbandry to more ideal conditions, your chameleons would live even longer and be even more healthy and happy. The issue here is *NOT* physical care, you are seeing to that. It is psychological care. You may not understand the effects of induced stress on the animal, but that does not make the effects go away....

We are not trying to be hostile here, but there is a reason that the majority of the senior users will generally agree on proper husbandry conditions....your goal should be an *IDEAL* setup, not a *sufficient* setup.

A human being can be kept alive in a 5'x5' room with a toilet and food dropped in daily....but would you want to live in those conditions?
i totally understand and appreciate what you all are saying! i had 3 male yemen brothers * separate vivs* " lived till 8 and the other died at 2 because of a tumour in his head! they were all happy, i am planning on changing his viv round when i have a day off and my dad is able to help as the big viv weighs around 9 stone!

And im thinking about selling daisy as im happier with males and females are alot more hassle and i know people are going to say shit like 'well you only just got her' and 'you dont know what your doing' well i do actual know all about the egg laying and the bin ect... but im still thinking about it !

im NOT saying i know everything by far but i do know how to keep my animals in a healthy environment that they seem to like! i now have the zip-clips and will place his branches alot higher in his viv to make him happier :) thanks
i totally understand and appreciate what you all are saying! i had 3 male yemen brothers * separate vivs* " lived till 8 and the other died at 2 because of a tumour in his head! they were all happy, i am planning on changing his viv round when i have a day off and my dad is able to help as the big viv weighs around 9 stone!

And im thinking about selling daisy as im happier with males and females are alot more hassle and i know people are going to say shit like 'well you only just got her' and 'you dont know what your doing' well i do actual know all about the egg laying and the bin ect... but im still thinking about it !

im NOT saying i know everything by far but i do know how to keep my animals in a healthy environment that they seem to like! i now have the zip-clips and will place his branches alot higher in his viv to make him happier :) thanks

It's good to see that you are receptive to advice. :) If the sides are mesh and you're going to set up the branches and such more vertically, I think it will look very nice.

I will say that I don't think it's a good idea for you to keep Rhino and Daisy together at all (even when you are watching them). Since chameleons are solitary animals by nature, putting them together only adds unnecessary stress, especially to the young female (and they don't always show visible signs of stress since it's their instinct not to show any signs of weakness) . I know you're not going to let Rhino hurt Daisy or mate with her before she's ready, but she doesn't know that. Just my opinion

Your chams are beautiful, btw :)
It's good to see that you are receptive to advice. :) If the sides are mesh and you're going to set up the branches and such more vertically, I think it will look very nice.

I will say that I don't think it's a good idea for you to keep Rhino and Daisy together at all (even when you are watching them). Since chameleons are solitary animals by nature, putting them together only adds unnecessary stress, especially to the young female (and they don't always show visible signs of stress since it's their instinct not to show any signs of weakness) . I know you're not going to let Rhino hurt Daisy or mate with her before she's ready, but she doesn't know that. Just my opinion

Your chams are beautiful, btw :)

their would be no point in be being on here if i wasnt going to listen to people :)

the sides are glass so im going to use a glass silicone adhesive to attach the, vines ect....
thanks daisy has just started eating from me as i have only had her a week today but still goes mental when my hand is in her viv, rhino has become fussier as he has got older and only eats one a week but he will eat his greens every day :/ the stress these animals have put me through
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