Rice Flour Beetles


New Member
I found a website by the name of silkwormshop.com. It is very similar to mulberry farms, I am sure most of you are familiar with it, but I just stumbled upon it in a google search. Anyways, they have several feeders to choose from, some of which are rice flour beetles. I think I am going to purchase a few and see how my chameleons like them. Anyone ever used these feeders before?
LLL sells them as well, never tried them. Never heard of anyone one here using them either.

Wonder what normally eats them....hmmm:confused:

I just did some more reasearch on google, they look like easier feeders to maintain and breed. However, they apparently have very high chitin, so they can't be used as a staple :rolleyes:
The idea is to use the larva as a feeder, and keep the beetles as a culture. The larva are small though, I feed them to my dart frogs, and hatchling chameleons.
Ya, thats the second problem that I just realized, the dang things are two small. I guess I will get some roaches.
Getting the larva seperate is a pain in the @$$!! My babies don't really care for them. I won't buy them again.
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