RIP Boogie... Advice on a necropsy for sudden death?


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TL;Dr: So Boogie is dead. He's barely a year old. I want to know if you think a general necropsy is valuable. $110... Sending to an exotics pathologist is going to probably bust 300 and I don't have that to spend.

I don't know what happened. I religiously follow the husbandry from here/chameleon academy. I feed BSFL and Dubia, gutloaded with collard greens, mustard greens, carrots, a bit of fruit once in a while, dusted with calcium without D3, except for 2x a month with reoashy plus Lod. I have an Arcadia 6% uvb light, basking temps no higher than 82, ambient in the low 70s, into the 60s at night. I mist with a mist king and keep humidity between 40-50 in the day and try to get it high at night. Dragon strand 24x24x48 hybrid enclosure with all live plants (pothos and a money tree). I live in New Mexico so I need the hybrid to even keep those humidity percentages.

I check on him every day. Yesterday he was fine. Came out to see me (as he often does when I open the door) and ate from my hands yesterday. Strong grip. Good color. His turrets weren't sunken and he was acting normal. He went to bed in his normal spot at lights out.

The only.... The ONLY oddity I noticed was this morning, when he was asleep 40 minutes after his lights went on.

He woke up when I opened the door (he sleeps right by it) and crawled on my fingers and then to his basking spot. His grip was strong as it ever was.

I came home from work 8 hours later and he's gone. Picture of his lovely lively self, and what I found today.

It's a shock. I just want to know if a baseline necropsy is worth it in y'all's opinion.


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It’s hard not to want one I’m sure, but if money is tight I would let him rest peacefully. I don’t think it was human error based on husbandry.
I decided to go full send and get a quote for a full on exotics pathologist because I NEED to know, and peace of mind is important. If that's insanely expensive, I'll pay for a more expert generalized necropsy. I want to know what happened and be able to share the info with people here if it can help progress the knowledge of cham keeping and give me a better understanding of this mystery.
This is so horrible!! I had this happen to me with my baby chameleon, even when I did all of the right things when caring for her. It seems like you have really great husbandry so that definitely wasn't the issue. Maybe there was some underlying disease that got to Boogie? Anyway, I know losing a pet is hard, and may Boogie Rest In Peace!! Best wishes and warm hugs from Daffodil and I!! 💕 🌼
I’m so sorry for your loss. When sudden deaths happen we tend to blame ourselves and have a lot of regret so please please try your best to not feel guilty! You did everything right for this guy and he was so cared for❤️
Oh my gosh I am so sorry. My heart is breaking for you. It can't be anything you have done, you are an excellent keeper and your husbandry is on-point. Sending you love during this time. Please let us know how we can support you. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
So first off I am so sorry for your loss. I really do not think this had anything to do with you. They can have an organ issue. But then you have random things that can happen. Biting a branch or leaf that they then get lodge in their throat.
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