roach breeders...what color is your bin ?

little leaf

Avid Member
I am curious if the bin color has any effect on the breeding of the roaches- I have 1 bin that is solid dark green- so almost always dark- and 2 that are opaque white- can not see threw them , but they are brighter inside during the day- I use heat tape under them, on the bottom- all are hooked into the same run, so I know the heat is all the same - and they are all feed the same, and also I feed out of them about the same- but I have noticed the green one almost always has more babies than the white ones - or is it just me ?? :confused: do darker bins produce more roaches ?? here is what my bins look like


  • roach bins.JPG
    roach bins.JPG
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I always use a very dark bin for my breeders, and have had very good results. I have been told that the darker bins produce more babies, so that's all Ive used.


Mine are the opaque white, and do just fine. I do not do anything to them other than gutload and heat. My house is around 72 degrees.
I use a large glass aquarium. Has you know mine do great. I have a heat emmitter on top. The light is on all day in that room. And even a few night when I forget to turn it off.:eek:
The darker the better. Roaches hate light and do everything they can you not be in it. Will the breed in a white bin? Sure it gets dark at night but it cuts way back on production as they are hiding from the light all day and not eating and breeding. At some point they will eat and breed but its far from optimal.
Clear, but once I moved them into a closet, they procreate 24/7. The absence of light increased food intake, activity all around, babies, etc... you name it. Closet was the key.
Use a clear so they can't climb up the sides. I have a clear one and put duck tape all around it except for on the inside. Stays dark and no way of them escaping.
yeah- there must be something w/ the total dark- I just fed them, and the green one has at least 2 X as many, about 2,000 or so in the green , about 1/2 that in the white one - guess I'll find another green one :p at first I was trying to stop them from breeding, even giving them away - lol - now I am worried I wont have enough for whats maybe coming up :eek:
Most mom and pop pet stores will buy or give you store credit for them. I trade most of mine for lights and crickets. $.50 each, adds up quick!!!??
I don't have a closet so I guess I'm out of luck.

I like the duct tape idea

What!! Where do you put your clothes, jackets, shoes, outdoor activity gear etc.? You don't have a closet at all, or just one that you are willing to house roaches in?

Oh, and my breeders are in a dark bin and feeders are in clear. They will breed in both, but the dark has been more productive.
My bin is a large black one that I found at the Container Store, after struggling with a smaller one for a while, that you couldn't put the egg flats on end. Anyway, the roaches seem very happy, even though I turned the heat mat off a couple of months ago.
I don't have a chameleon at the moment, and I'm trying to discourage breeding, but they're still at it. Of course, it's been hotter than hell this summer, and they live by the patio door. Periodically, I take some down to the local reptile store; the adult males and excess females, but they just make more! Don't really know what else to do with them. I just feed them a couple of times a week with veggies, and they always have dry food.
Mr. Tibbs, my big, fat cat, likes to use the bin as a landing pad when he's getting down off the cat tree. The poor roaches must think there's an earthquake or something!
My bin is a large black one that I found at the Container Store, after struggling with a smaller one for a while, that you couldn't put the egg flats on end. Anyway, the roaches seem very happy, even though I turned the heat mat off a couple of months ago.
I don't have a chameleon at the moment, and I'm trying to discourage breeding, but they're still at it. Of course, it's been hotter than hell this summer, and they live by the patio door. Periodically, I take some down to the local reptile store; the adult males and excess females, but they just make more! Don't really know what else to do with them. I just feed them a couple of times a week with veggies, and they always have dry food.
Mr. Tibbs, my big, fat cat, likes to use the bin as a landing pad when he's getting down off the cat tree. The poor roaches must think there's an earthquake or something!

HOT - I am so jealous - we are having our 3rd coldest year on record, and have set 3 new record lows :mad: I made the mistake of getting rid of to many boys- so I don't have enough in the bins - I was thinking of putting all of them together - so they boys could work together ;)
Well, they might have fun at least!
I must clean them out tomorrow, poor things. I bought some new egg flats at the show, but just haven't got round to doing it. They should shout or something, then that might motivate me to do it!
Well, they might have fun at least!
I must clean them out tomorrow, poor things. I bought some new egg flats at the show, but just haven't got round to doing it. They should shout or something, then that might motivate me to do it!

I find an escapee or two, does the trick also.:eek:
I find an escapee or two, does the trick also.:eek:

Oh geese- don't say stuff like that - I must now go retrieve my skin as it has crawled away :eek: :p when I first got my roaches, I would CRY !! when I had to feed them off to Oliver, they were the ONLY thing he would eat when I first got him , I was so scared of them, I thought they were everyplace lose in the house - not one has ever gotten out- but at first - I would get up every hr for weeks to be sure the lids were on tight - I had nightmares , almost hit a semi head on because I thought one was on my leg in the car - it did not help when the guy I got them from, told me they will run up your arm, and into your mouth :eek: ( I now know , that was a lie :mad: ) after 2 yrs, I can now touch the little ones, no gloves :D - but I still can not pick up an adult :eek:
the hell we put ourselves threw for our chammys :p now I kinda like them ( in the bin, behaving themselves :p )
Oh geese- don't say stuff like that - I must now go retrieve my skin as it has crawled away :eek: :p when I first got my roaches, I would CRY !! when I had to feed them off to Oliver, they were the ONLY thing he would eat when I first got him , I was so scared of them, I thought they were everyplace lose in the house - not one has ever gotten out- but at first - I would get up every hr for weeks to be sure the lids were on tight - I had nightmares , almost hit a semi head on because I thought one was on my leg in the car - it did not help when the guy I got them from, told me they will run up your arm, and into your mouth :eek: ( I now know , that was a lie :mad: ) after 2 yrs, I can now touch the little ones, no gloves :D - but I still can not pick up an adult :eek:
the hell we put ourselves threw for our chammys :p now I kinda like them ( in the bin, behaving themselves :p )

Omg ! I think I authored this post. Do you have a long lost twin. I am terrified of roaches but actually bought a few bab dubias to try. I have tolerated them well. Not sure how it will go with the adult males though. Are they fast?
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