

New Member
Hi all!

Just a simple question:

Did you see Arachnophobia? Well I have the same issue as the guy in that movie but with roaches. I can't stand the damn buggers! No way around this issue... I can live with crix, zophoba, tenebrios, flies, silkworms, any worm,... but not roaches!
I currently have a pigmy cham and on my way to buy a couple of females to join him, but I was also feeling the urge to move to another specie... maybe a veiled.
My problem is that, as you might've guessed, hate roaches, which is probably the best food item for them! Can I have a veiled (or any "bigger-than-pigmy" species for that matter) even with my "disability"?

Sure, you don't have to feed them roaches. Just mix up the other feeders so they don't get bored with one type of food.

One of the reasons people like roaches is they are the easiest to breed. They just kind of do it regardless. No eggs, no incubation, just every once in a while when you lift up the egg crates, there's baby roaches everywhere. It really relieves the wallet if you have to feed a good number of chams.

I do crickets, silkworms, superworms, and roaches.
One of the reasons people like roaches is they are the easiest to breed. They just kind of do it regardless. No eggs, no incubation, just every once in a while when you lift up the egg crates, there's baby roaches everywhere.

That's one of the reasons I fear them...:rolleyes:
AFH is right. I dont have much of a colony going yet but Soon I will. Ive been feeding the nymphs off to my new 3.5 month old panther and he is loving them. My other guys love them too but Im not feeding them. Like I said Im trying to get a colony started. I just ordered 50 more. They really arent that bad. They are great eaters just like crix and they dont stink to high hell although I am going to start breeding those tow along with Fruit Flys and try my hand on silies too. It is def going to save me money down the road for my troop is getting big and my eggs are hatching. These are tropical roaches too. They "SAY" they wont infest your house.
AFH is right. I dont have much of a colony going yet but Soon I will. Ive been feeding the nymphs off to my new 3.5 month old panther and he is loving them. My other guys love them too but Im not feeding them. Like I said Im trying to get a colony started. I just ordered 50 more. They really arent that bad. They are great eaters just like crix and they dont stink to high hell although I am going to start breeding those tow along with Fruit Flys and try my hand on silies too. It is def going to save me money down the road for my troop is getting big and my eggs are hatching. These are tropical roaches too. They "SAY" they wont infest your house.

I guess you have never been to the Bronx! After all is said and done the Roach will outlast the civilization of man!
I have never been very fond of roaches but I have to say that I have gotten used to them, I have 2 colony's Dubia and giant green green banana roaches and the crickets are the ones that infested my last house not the roaches. I was way more careful with the roaches because of my fear of them than I was the crickets (I used to let the crickets free range) this time around I am really careful with ALL of them :rolleyes:
I think you's be surprised once you see how lame dubia/discoids actually are as roaches. They are slow, round, and just less creepy looking than the ones that infest houses. The babies and nymphs look like varying sizes of rollie-pollies. IMO they are less intimidating than crickets once you get past the name "roach."
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