Rogue Roach


Established Member
I’ve seen threads on this before...but of course I can’t find them now! I was feeding Leo dubia roaches this morning and I was shaking the bowl a little to entice him and I think I might’ve shaken the little dubia out and into the corn plant or just the bottom of the cage. If Leo doesn’t find it...will it just die? My boyfriend is not excited that I’ve lost a roach. :oops::LOL:
My Cham refuses to eat them but I try to feed them off just in case he has a change of heart ... When they do escape or get loose They always hide under the potted plants for me. If your temps are under 85 it shouldn't breed but they are resilient little creatures it likely won't die off on it's own
I lose them all the time. They even end up making to the neighbors house some times.

Outside the bin they cant not "hatch" or molt. So even at a worst case scenario, a preggers queen who is ready to pop, she will just have the babies and they will all die before they reach adulthood.
I don’t think you should worry to much. I found one under my cage once after a few months of not feeding dubias. They don’t go far and just look for somewhere dark to hide
That’s what I told my boyfriend, it was just gonna find a dark place and probably stay there. Thanks all!
Ive noticed they dont burrow to deep either so usually ill find them under a leaf in my substrate. Dont worry about it. Their growth cycle is so slow that I wouldnt worry about it surviving and thriving lol. Unless you lose a couple more :ROFLMAO:
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