Rolly Pollies?

Glad to see the all the correct information about rolly pollies here. I'm from WA state and grew up calling them that as well. There are a few kinds that I've seen. Some are more flattened and can't roll up. They're also known as woodlice, and can't survive in very dry climates. They require moisture to keep their modified gills working.
Interesting note, since isopods are almost entirely aquatic (with this one species as an exception), I've found isopods that are morphologically almost identical to rolly pollies in tide pools at the beach. They're much larger but look the same.
Rollie Pollies here in Ca, but potato bugs are totally different here. Those are jeruselum crickets. Creepy little things.
Old post, but here in western PA we call isopods potatoe bugs. I use giant canyon isopods as feeders, some of my Panthers go crazy for them.

@tenchijin there are marine isopods, in the aquarium hobby they can be a nightmare as some are parasitic and attach themselves to fish.
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