Rookie questions on building an enclosure


New Member
I've tried to do a bit of searching, etc... but I may have missed some obvious concepts. I am planning to build a "largish" enclosure for my daughters veiled chameleon.

1) I see lots of good drainage ideas, but they seem to interfere with interaction down to the floor. How do you introduce crickets and such to the chameleon when you don't have a solid floor? Our favorite thing is to watch the chameleon stalk its prey.

2) What mesh size is best for the screen? I'd think the coarsest that doesn't allow insects to escape...

3) I've read if you use live plants, misting isn't necessary. However, I sure see a lot of discussion of misters. What am I missing here?
3a) Is anyone using a mister with a screen enclosure over a carpeted room? Sounds like a big mess.

4) The enclosure I'd really like to build would be 3 feet wide, 1.5' deep, and 6' tall. Anyone see an issue with such a shallow enclosure?
1. I drilled holes in the bottom of my enclosure and put screen over the holes to allow water to flow out, but keep the bugs in.

2. Look for "pet safe screen"

3. Live plants help keep humidity up longer, provide places for water droplets to sit so your cham can drink, but you need the mister to get the water in there. Or at least hand mist multiple times daily. Keep in mind that misting isn't only to up the humididty, but also to provide drinking water.

3a. Many members cover 3 sides of enclosure with a shower curtain to keep the mess in, if you are building your own, maybe use corrugated plastic for 3 sides, screen door and top. (best of both worlds IMO.)

4. I think if you provide sufficient cover, your cage size sounds great!

Hope this helps a little @flapnjack

Although it looks great, it can be accidentally ingested by your cham, potentially causing health issues.

Although it looks great, it can be accidentally ingested by your cham, potentially causing health issues.

I would advise against it for sanitary reasons. It will likely be wet all the time from misting and attract bugs. Also it will be harder to keep clean.
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