Does anyone know at what age I will be able to sex my rudis babies? They are 5 weeks old now. I can not find any info on the net on sexing or at what age. Any help would be appreciated!
You shouldn't post things like that!! I'm doing my best to not ask you if your going to be selling any. That's my next species, but I don't really have the room. I didn't have room for my last ones though either. Maybe post some pics when you have time?
LOL! I actually do plan on selling them when I know what sex they are. I would like to keep a couple (or few lol).
Wow, so 4-6 months huh? There are no physical characteristics I can look for at the moment or near future like in other chams then? Just wait for the color to show...?
That is what I was hoping to see, but I do not see any and believe me I have been trying to find SOMETHING! lol! The only thing I have noticed on a few is they have these light almost white stripes on thier faces where the males would have the yellow stripes.
I have posted some pix of them before but here area couple more!
Your babies are so cute! I have 1 male and 3 female rudis chameleons. I love them. They are so great. One of my females is about 7 1/2 months old and I got her when she was 6 months, she was mostly brown then and just now getting her green. I am not really sure how to tell with small ones, but the male adults will have a tourqoise blue/green coloring whereas the females are mostly green.
Tail base characteristics can be used to determine sex pretty accurately if you know what to look for. I can sex most babies straight from the egg.
The first pic above looks like a young male to me.
If you post pics of their tails bases from the side I will be happy to see if I can help out...if you post a few I'll be able to tell whether I can sex this species at this age or not.
With some experience, you can sex the rudis right after they are born but the differences are subtle. I agree with Tokoloshe (Trevor?) that the baby in the first pic is a male. However, I'm not sure I agree with his assessment that rudis come from eggs
The one in the first pic actually is showing those white-ish stripes on the face I mentioned before that made me think it was a boy. I have not gotten a chance to sit down and take pix yet, but when I do get a chance I will be posting them to see what you all think.
They have been such a pleasure. They eat like little pigs!
btw- Trace, what are the differences I would be looking for? I sit and study these guys all the time. I am no expert by any means, still learning, but maybe with the amount of time I watch these little guys I may be able to kinda see what you are talking about...?
they should start putting colors on in the next few weeks do not think that has anything to do with sex all the rudis i had were all different colors with no color tendency toward sex. of course when there adults this will work but not when there little everyone will be a different color it quite cool, green, beige, red, yellow, rudis rock
ok. I was meaning to ask that too, cause I have a couple that are showing lots of redish orange. I tried taking pix of it, but it just for some reason washed out in the pix. Some are beginning to show a tinge of green when they are under the light. Yes they do all range in colors like you can see in my pix as well. They are so cute! It is funny, I have sent pix of them to my friends who some are not reptile people and every one of them have emailed me back that they can not get over how cute they are, then saying they never thought they would feel that way about lizards. lol!
I use the same sexing methods as Tokoloshe; it's the subtle differences in the tail base that I look for. Out of that whole complex of chameleons to which the rudis belong, I find sexing the rudis and ellioti at birth much easier than say the true bitaeniatus.
As for marking reptiles; I've only ever seen non-toxic paint being used. Never markers.
hmmm, that will make it difficult to tell them all apart them lol! I saw someone on here had posted a panther baby and I thought it said something about having a sharpie marker mark on it. I will go ahead and take some pix if a few different ones to see if you can teach me how to tell male from female. I still think the ones with the stripes on the feace look like boys... We will see if I am right! lol!