Running Humidifier at Night?


Established Member
I was wondering if it would be decent to run humidifer at night for my chameleon. At first when I got it he was spooked of it but now hes fine so I was wondering if it is fine to run it during the night sence it gets down to around 68-70 degress in my house at night. I was thinkin that the humidity might keep it a little warmer. Would this bother my cham?
I could swear that there has been a post of this exact same title in the past. 68 - 70 is perfectly fine for chameleons at night, in fact lower temperatures might even be required for a good night's sleep (although I can't say this definitively.) Running a humidifier when temps are low could cause URI.
Yeah, moisture and cooler temps aren't the best combo for most chameleons. I would just skip the night time humidifier. Your night temperatures are good though.
I think it would depend on what your humidity is during the day. It's hot as hell here in the summer and the AC sucks out the humidity during the day. I rebolster it at night by running the humidifier. I gets up around 70%.
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