New Member
I have two Female panther chameleons with eye problems. I bought the one about a week ago already with one damaged(dried out) eye. I am trying to save the eyes, but need some advice. I went to the Pharmacy and asked the guy behind the counter for SALINE solution with no additives. I told him its for a reptiles eye. He came back with a little transparent container with the following writing on it " SABAX SODIUM CHLORIDE - Sodium Chloride 0,09g/10ml (154 mmol/l) Injection V/24/4" So no where on it it actually says Saline. I know that Saline consists of Sodium Chloride but I'm very careful to what I need to put in my chameleons eye. Is this safe to use? Is this the right stuff, even if it doesn't say Saline? We don't have reptile eye-drops at our pet shop and my vet doesn't really know what to give me, so I need some help please. Thanks for any advice