Sad Cham follow up

Sounds like they're gonna have to become a liquid lol. Well.. I'm used to doing it with marine life, but I guess I can always change things up and do it with crickets.

There you go! What needs to be done must be done. That little guy is too adorable to be sick. :)
Thanks, guys. I think he's pretty adorable myself. And the cutest part is that if I go in to mist or something instead of running away he'll crawl onto my hand. I was surprised at how much he tries to be handled since my other one is the total opposite.

the only thing (you can kind of see it in the picture) is that I personally thought he was shedding, but the doctor was concerned it might be some kind of mold but wasn't sure since it runs bilaterally on him. hopefully he'll get over this, today was the first time I realized he has some blue under his jaw :)
Ya how old are those pics. If that is how he looks I'd say just leave him alone and give him time. He looks fine. Hip looks a bit weird though.
Those pics are about a week old. Right now his color is the same, he's just less plump and sleepy :/ tomorrow when it's daylight I can take a pic if you guys want. Generally, though, he looks healthy. It's just the fact he looks skinny (even for a baby) and he sleeps. Aside from that his color, grip, etc are fine.
Those pics are about a week old. Right now his color is the same, he's just less plump and sleepy :/ tomorrow when it's daylight I can take a pic if you guys want. Generally, though, he looks healthy. It's just the fact he looks skinny (even for a baby) and he sleeps. Aside from that his color, grip, etc are fine.

So he isn't THAT bad, hopefully. Im glad its not something worse. There have been some ugly, serious things happen to chams on this forum.
I mean, as bad as things seem to get (I've read some horror stories), he's not all that awful. He's colorful and alert when you wake him up. He can see. I'm grateful for the fact that he's being a trooper through it and I'm fairly certain he'll be fine (don't want to jinx myself.)
I mean, as bad as things seem to get (I've read some horror stories), he's not all that awful. He's colorful and alert when you wake him up. He can see. I'm grateful for the fact that he's being a trooper through it and I'm fairly certain he'll be fine (don't want to jinx myself.)

*knocks on wood*

I agree though. I think and hope he'll be fine. :)
I mean, as bad as things seem to get (I've read some horror stories), he's not all that awful. He's colorful and alert when you wake him up. He can see. I'm grateful for the fact that he's being a trooper through it and I'm fairly certain he'll be fine (don't want to jinx myself.)

Have you tried fruit flies?
Call a vets office and explain why you need the needle and they should sell you one. If not I will mail you one to inject feeders with. PM your address and it will be in the mail tomorrow.
Call a vets office and explain why you need the needle and they should sell you one. If not I will mail you one to inject feeders with. PM your address and it will be in the mail tomorrow.

Okay, thanks so much I'll call the vets office so hopefully you don't have to send me one :)
You feed the fruit fly's but there is no way to hand feed a ff, they are just to small. They would not cover the head of a tiny straight pin.
Haha yeah, being a Floridian I (unfortunately) am quite familiar with fruit flies. Annoying little pests, but if the silkworms don't work I'm more than willing to try them.
You feed the fruit fly's but there is no way to hand feed a ff, they are just to small. They would not cover the head of a tiny straight pin.

Haha yeah, being a Floridian I (unfortunately) am quite familiar with fruit flies. Annoying little pests, but if the silkworms don't work I'm more than willing to try them.

I was thinking just throw some at him and see if it stimulates some eating.......
Okay, thanks!
By the way guys, here's some photos from this morning.


I was shooting through the cage so hopefully everyone can see!
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