Sad Cham follow up

Ya how old are those pics. If that is how he looks I'd say just leave him alone and give him time. He looks fine. Hip looks a bit weird though.

I completley agree! Force feeding a chameleon that weighs 1 gram can end in disaster.

Thanks, guys. I think he's pretty adorable myself. And the cutest part is that if I go in to mist or something instead of running away he'll crawl onto my hand. I was surprised at how much he tries to be handled since my other one is the total opposite.

the only thing (you can kind of see it in the picture) is that I personally thought he was shedding, but the doctor was concerned it might be some kind of mold but wasn't sure since it runs bilaterally on him. hopefully he'll get over this, today was the first time I realized he has some blue under his jaw :)

Uh if the Vet couldnt tell the difference from fungus and shed they may not be experienced in chameleons. Might be time to shop for another vet.

What medication is your little guy on?
Yeah, I was happy with the vet but that was a little disconcerning that he couldn't quite tell the difference. He had a few pictures of some chameleons he had which was a little comforting.. It's hard to find a good vet. And honestly I can't remember the medicine *which I know is awful. Today I get some silkworms so I'm planning on just coating them with the medicine and giving him those.

And if the force feeding isn't stressing him it sure as heck is me! :)
I can see. He really doesn't look like he has anything wrong from him. At that angle at least.
Luckily yesterday he looked like he was plumping a little. Whatever supplement he gave me is definetly putting some weight back on and I haven't even been able to get as much in him as the doctor advised.
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