Sad Cham :(


New Member
So I posted earlier this week about my 2 mo old veiled male not eating and was told not to worry. Well, at 4 pm he was already asleep and has been napping which has me scared. I rushed and threw together the new screen tank I ordered and have some plants in there and took him outside in hopes that some fresh air will help. That and I put in a few crickets incase he decides to eat. Any ideas? If this doesn't improve I'm going to the vet first thing in the morning. This is day 6 since he was shipped to me.
So I posted earlier this week about my 2 mo old veiled male not eating and was told not to worry. Well, at 4 pm he was already asleep and has been napping which has me scared. I rushed and threw together the new screen tank I ordered and have some plants in there and took him outside in hopes that some fresh air will help. That and I put in a few crickets incase he decides to eat. Any ideas? If this doesn't improve I'm going to the vet first thing in the morning. This is day 6 since he was shipped to me.

What time do his lights normally turn off?

Is there enough light inside the cage?

Post some pics of the cham and your set-up - and many forum readers will attempt to help you!
no there is something else going on here it sounds like. By day 6, he should have eaten. I know we were talking yesterday about lighting and such. It is possible that he has a parasite. He would need a fecal done to check for this,but I know he has not eaten, so hence no poop obviously right? I am not sure if there is another way to test for parasites. From what I remember you have your uvb and basking light and everything right? Did the person you get him from give you a health guarantee? Where did you buy him from anyways?
I bought it from Underground Reptiles in Deerfield Beach, FL. They're a local reptile store where I've gotten different pets from before. Yes, I have all the lighting and his lights are fine. There was poop in his cage although none of the crickets had been missing up until yesterday when I dumped them out. Honestly I can't say if he ate any, a few got out when I was moving his cage. His feces looks normal, it's just he's shrunked in size DRAMATICALLY (and he's a baby so there isn't much there to begin with.) I'm thinking it may be a parasite, I feel so awful. I think I'm going to have to take a trip to the vet tomorrow and miss zoology but at this point I'm too worried to really care.
no there is something else going on here it sounds like. By day 6, he should have eaten. I know we were talking yesterday about lighting and such. It is possible that he has a parasite. He would need a fecal done to check for this,but I know he has not eaten, so hence no poop obviously right? I am not sure if there is another way to test for parasites. From what I remember you have your uvb and basking light and everything right? Did the person you get him from give you a health guarantee? Where did you buy him from anyways?

I add her other thread in my above post, she said the bulb wasn't a tube. I'm curious if it's the uv bulb?
I have an Exo Terra hood and they're exo terra uvb lights (CFL.) I ordered a tube light this morning but those lights have been keeping his temperatures at normal levels. I've been tryingto get him outside but unfortunately I'm one of the lucky ones who have been putting up with tropical storm Lee.

***Do you guys think it is better right now for him to be inside or outside? It's about 80 degrees and cloudy, so he may be getting some UVB but there's not sunshine by any means. He's only been outside for about 15 minutes. I figured at this point it couldn't hurt but if it'd be better for him to be inside then I will by all means.
I add her other thread in my above post, she said the bulb wasn't a tube. I'm curious if it's the uv bulb?

I know, she said the it was an exoterra. Do you think that would cause him not to eat for six days though. You know how much babies can eat!
The tank I got came with an Exo terra hood and 2 UVB CFL bulbs one at either end. His entire tank is in light. But I've been looking around town for a tube light and haven't found much so I'm waiting on the mail.
That and I don't have a basking light because I was told he's too little from various people on here. His two UVB bulbs keep his upper tank in the low to mid 80's so if it matters at all. Right now its 81 outside.
That and Carol5208 (by the way, what's your name? you were so helpful last night!) I ordered 50 of the small silkworms incase that would spike his interest. From what I'm reading, though, I'm leaning towards possible parasites. If anyone has dealt with them before: how long will it take for medicine to fix?
I know, she said the it was an exoterra. Do you think that would cause him not to eat for six days though. You know how much babies can eat!

Oh boy do I know how much babies can eat!

If the bulb is too intense or a older make cfl and is affecting his vision you bet it would affect his eating.

OP outside sounds like a great option! I would leave the uvb light off to see if you notice a improvement.
Okay thanks! The first couple days I had him he was so much more active and was doing so well except for the not eating. Right now he's outside and I plan on taking him to the vet first thing in the AM just in case. I counted how many crickets and there's very few places for them to hide so hopefully some disappear. I'm hoping the fresh air will pep him up a bit.
My name is Carol, the 5208 is one 8 shy of my wedding date 5/20/88 incase any of you were ever wondering! Glad I could be of help! I hope your little guy gets better! So you have two UVB's then? That is probably too intense for him. I would unscrew the one or I think Jessica gave you good advice on turning the bulb off altogether and going with some sunlight until you can get the 5.0 tube.. Just be careful of the little guy overheating. Don't leave him outside alone.
If by chance you see a poop scoop it up and put in in a plastic baggie with a wet paper towel and stick in fridge. Yes their poop dries up and shrinks pretty quickly!
Okay. How cold is considered too cold? Right now there's no lights since he's on my porch (it's screened in and he's in a screen cage so nothing can get him.) We're high overcast right now thank to T.S. Lee so it's not getting any higher than 81 for today. But we're dropping tonight to low 70s or high 60s, should I plan on bringing him in for that? And i'll unscrew one of them if/when I bring him in. Someone PM me saying Reptaid may be a good ideas so I'm looking into that but I still think a vet may be the best case scenario.
Well the first day I had him he pooped (he was shipped with a few crickets) but hadn't eaten since then. It's possible he may have eaten 1 or 2 yesterday, but I lost a few crickets. Today I know for sure there are 6 in there since I moved him and there all accounted for unfortunately.
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