Sad Cham :(

It's going to be 67 tonight. I think I'm supposed to bring him inside when it's that chilly, no?

actually they can take a night drop to 60.
and as carol said, i would remove one uvb bulb. he may not be 'napping' during the day, he could actually have his eyes shut cuz it hurts too much.
Okay guys, just got back from the vet. So pleased with them! (if anyone needs a vet in the panhandle area Safe Harbor Animal Hospital is FANTASTIC!) anyhow. Dr.Nat treated little guy for parasites and gave me some medicine mixed in with a supplement (I forget the name) that I have to force feed to him three times a day. He handled being handled for so long so well! Too bad he was so little they had difficulty getting his weight. He weighed in at 1 gram but the doctor doubted he weighed that even. I'll let everyone know any changes :)
Okay guys, just got back from the vet. So pleased with them! (if anyone needs a vet in the panhandle area Safe Harbor Animal Hospital is FANTASTIC!) anyhow. Dr.Nat treated little guy for parasites and gave me some medicine mixed in with a supplement (I forget the name) that I have to force feed to him three times a day. He handled being handled for so long so well! Too bad he was so little they had difficulty getting his weight. He weighed in at 1 gram but the doctor doubted he weighed that even. I'll let everyone know any changes :)

So its for sure that he has parasites, or the medication is being given just in case?
The doctor didn't test him so just in case. He figured something has to be wrong for him to not eat for a week so it's just precautionary and it's blended in with his supplement so it's not any kind of a pain or anything. So far he's climbing around in his cage.
Little guy is still sitting outside in his cage. He's still sleeping on and off during the days but we've gotten some of the medicine in him and the silk worms will hopefully be in by tomorrow morning. The vet suggested offering him cut up crickets or silkworms but he wasn't real keen on the crickets. He's never had silkworms so I'm hoping that may be a new thing he'll eat even if it's just until he puts on some weight.

1. Any tips on feeding? I have to administer him his medicine and supplement through a neddleless syringe but he never wants to open his mouth for it. It's awful because I know it has to be stressing him out. Any ideas as to what the best way to approach is it or if there's any tips or tricks to make it easier? Thanks!
2. Right now he has been outside on my porch. My porch only gets morning sunlight, so should I leave him out there during the morning and then bring him in under his UVB light? I'm sure the fresh air will help I just don't know how much UVB he's getting when there's no direct sunlight on him.
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