Sahel chameleon in bad shape


New Member
I just got the sahel chameleon and it's already in bad shape. I tried dripping water over her mouth but it refuses to drink. I need instructions kn how to help her. Also, I'm in egypt so it would be near impossible to find many of the requirements. Thanks!


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Oh my she's in a really really bad shape. Instead of dripping water maybe u should try misting her directly in the face. That might feel abit better and water droplets forming on her mouth instead of water droplets falling on her mouth might encourage her to drink. Hope she gets better!
I just got the sahel chameleon and it's already in bad shape. I tried dripping water over her mouth but it refuses to drink. I need instructions kn how to help her. Also, I'm in egypt so it would be near impossible to find many of the requirements. Thanks!

Give her a shower...not leteraly but..get a fake plant of some sort or something she can hold on to set her on the floor of ur bath tub and point the shower head towards the wall so that the water bouncing off the wall hits her kinda like a mist...make sure the water is kinda luke warm not too hot and not too cold...
Hope this helps...
Oh my she's in a really really bad shape. Instead of dripping water maybe u should try misting her directly in the face. That might feel abit better and water droplets forming on her mouth instead of water droplets falling on her mouth might encourage her to drink. Hope she gets better!

Are there supplements I can try to feed her? I can't find places that sell insects in egypt and I need a substitution for the time being. The guy at the pet shop said to feed her lettuce leaves but I don't think that's right.
I apologize to have to say this your chameleon very well could be past the point of no return. If there is a vet in the area I would go there first. Your chameleon looks weakened to the point normal eating and drinking probably won't work. I would keep your chameleon warm (not to warm) and as comfortable as possible and open up its mouth and with a needless syringe give this chameleon water over a period of days and allow the animal to rehydrate. I think that animal appears to be is in a weakened state and is it not fit for a shower. If your chameleon begins to drink and rehydrates there is an outside shot it could survive. If he rehydrates you could start to assist feed your chameleon however in the state your chameleon is in now that probable won't work in his current state. Go to a vet.

You should have scorned who ever was selling that animals in the first place. That chameleon is not a fit animal for the chameleon hobby.
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Given the thinness of the tail and legs to where you can see the individual bones, I would echo the above post and say the animal is beyond the point of no-return. It's probably not going to open its eyes again unless you can hydrate it substantially.

But, if you've got the fortitude for it, you can prying the mouth open, getting a meaty, gutloaded cricket/roach, squash its head so it doesn't move (the cricket, not the chameleon) so it stops scrambling so much, and put it head-first into its mouth, hoping the bug touches the tongue. It will either close its mouth instinctively and begin chewing/swallowing it, or it will spit it back out.

You also want to try putting it near the ground (you don't want to strain it by forcing it to grip a branch) and drip water/mist water on its head so it gets the sensation of the droplets, and can lick it off the ground below its chin. Even create a puddle below its chin.
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