San Diego Reptile Super Show

Thanks summoner for posting the picts.

Turns out that Crested Gecko of mine will be a very nice breeder.
mind if I use that photo? :D

Oh, and regarding the guy with the Parsons at the show.
I found quite a few pages on him after I got home on sunday
Here's one. and his flikr page

I came across his booth at the end of the day sunday and "rescued" some Quads and Crested's (Chamaeleo cristatus).
The other animals in the mixed species cage were too weak and didn't look like they would make it.
I would have gotten the whole lot but ran out of ready funds.

Having WC animals should be banned so there isn't the risk of some WC parasite loaded reptile
WC's being handled by customers who in turn handle other CB animals. That are a surefire way to transmit disease.
That is how I lost my colony.
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Good pictures - why is our booth off in the distance in every shot? Come on Tyler! LOL.

Sorry buddy, I think I was taking these early on Saturday morning, and I think your booth was still in a state of chaos at that point. You might have been upset at me for posting those pics! I'll get a pretty one in San Jose, even if I have to snap it at 9:55AM.

Thanks summoner for posting the picts.
Having WC animals should be banned so there isn't the risk of some WC parasite loaded reptile
WC's being handled by customers who in turn handle other CB animals. That are a surefire way to transmit disease.

The only problem with that, in Anaheim for example, is that I felt like I was the only one in the show that left their WC animals at home. There's no easy way to prove anything, and anyone can say something is CB. Nobody is going to spend the time to "police" this rule. I did my part by having a 1/2 gallon bottle of hand sanitizer on the front of our table available for the passerbys (which the passerbys dripped and dribbled all over our tablecloths).
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Always good to have good Chameleon people around our booth too! As someone said - some only care about the price of a bulb, and not what the breeder is telling them to get. Fortunately, you guys push the right stuff at the show, and it always helps us out a great deal too!

You know, I actually told someone to buy her cages at LLL rather than me because the price was unbeatable. She did! I'd have to charge sales tax on my site and shipping so she saved a good amount of money.

I'm impressed with how the bigger reptile supply stores set up at a show and how quickly they pack it all up. This was my first time watching it. You guys have it down to a science!
Were those the same pairs of parsonni that were on KS a few weeks back? I think that guy lives in College Station, Tx. Ive heard some"things" about his
practices. I think he's strictly a flipper. He gets in animals and immed tries to flip em. Which isnt bad if he's selling we acclimated stock.
Post Show Shoot.







Are those the Parsons that were for sale at the show or someones chameleons who was visiting the show? They look outdoors and bigger than the other pictures posted.
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