Sanguine passed today.


New Member
I know it's been a very long time since I got on this forum but I thought I should get on to tell you all this. Sanguine passed today. After a week of battling an illness the vet could not identify he just went to sleep while I was at school and never really woke up, he was responding a little when i gave him his medicine but when I came in to give it again he was gone. R.I.P. little guy, you were so beautiful and brought so much joy to my life.
I am so sorry for your loss. I can't even imagine when my little guys pass...they mean so much. Are you planning on getting another? RIP Sanguine
I dont think I'll be getting another chameleon, or even an animal for a long time. I get pretty sad when one of my animals die but this time I am more sad than I have ever been when one of them has died. I guess it's because he died of a sickness and could have lived longer. Usually my animals die of old age and I get a comforting feeling knowing they lived a long life, but now he was taken away too early and I cant go through anything like that again.
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