Scared of super worms??


New Member
SO...i have here 5.5 month old ambilobe panther. Ive been feeding him crickets since ive got him. He always gobbles them up...loving every bite.

Today however...i decided to surprise him...or so i thought...with some juicy super worms. It would be his first time eating them. I imagined him just inhaling them. His reaction was quite the opposite. I took one in my tweasers and reached back into his enclosure and held it a bit away from him trying to coax him toward it. Instead, he looks at it...then me...with a "wtf is that thing?" look on his face.

I moved it a bit closer to him...and he flares up...redder than ive ever seen him...hisses...and misses the branch he was grabbing for, falling a good foot! I was so stunned at what just happened. I reached down to make sure he was alright and all he did was run right back up the plant...and seemed unfazed luckily. Hes still runnin around all over his enlosure so im almost positive he is just fine.

I just wanted to know if anyone would be able to guess at why he is so deathly afraid of super worms. Could they just be too big for him right now? Ive seen him eat some monster crickets without a second thought. I wouldnt have guessed he would be so against eating these super worms. Any input, thoughts, or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Could be they are too large. Is it less than half the body length of the chameleon?
Could be he didnt have time to evaluate what this new prey item was before you pushed it at him. Instead of tweezers, try putting the superworm in a cup or bowl, or let it crawl on a vine or screen. let the chameleon choose to eat it when the chameleon is ready for it.
or let it crawl on a vine or screen. let the chameleon choose to eat it when the chameleon is ready for it.

Free ranging the bug could help encourage the chameleon to eat it. Generally my chameleons will not make a move for a bug unless it is roaming free on a nearby vine. Be careful when using tongs to feed. If your chameleon grabs the prey while you are still holding it with tongs, it could cause tongue injury. I try my best to keep the tongs within sight, but out of tongue range, just in case they make an attempt when I am not ready.
I put them in a little bowl and sit them around for the cham to approach. Give him some time to check it out.
I've found that most of my reptiles really dislike superworms,
I don't know if it is the taste or the jaws (they are pretty strong).

My frilled dragon and basilisks are the only ones that will eat them regularly,
my chams never ate them.
I find that if i put the Superworm on the screen, not directly below the Cham, as the SW climbs up, they almost always take it. Occasionally in a feeding bowl will work, but only if they are moving.

Free ranging the bug could help encourage the chameleon to eat it. Generally my chameleons will not make a move for a bug unless it is roaming free on a nearby vine. Be careful when using tongs to feed. If your chameleon grabs the prey while you are still holding it with tongs, it could cause tongue injury. I try my best to keep the tongs within sight, but out of tongue range, just in case they make an attempt when I am not ready.

I have to agree with Cush. ive tried to feed my babies by putting pin heads in a bowl and nothing. when i just dump em in their tank they act like lions attacking wildebeest. :O
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