Schefflera experiment

SliK JiM

New Member
Was looking around for information about taking schefflera cuttings, but couldn't find anything particularly helpful, so figured I'd have a bash and try using the method I did when I took a pothos cutting.

Which has turned out pretty well:


So yeah, basically, I had to trim down my current schefflera as it was massive and split the cuttings as follows:


The top two are the top of each stalk and the bottom two are just the extra bits I lopped off inbetween (I think these will fail but thought it can't hurt to try with them as well). I've removed a few of the bottom leaves so that it will fit into the water better but also to focus the cutting on growing roots (I think you're meant to remove between 50 and 66% of all shoots - I left one with most of them on just to check!).




I then have just put them in a container of water with slow release fertiliser in the bottom.




I have literally no idea if this will work or not, but figured it may prove useful either way (ie to help people or dissuade people! :p)

I'll post some more pics next week when it's had a chance to do something, but I think my pothos cutting took around 3 weeks to get any decent 'roots'
give schultz take root a try. its a root growing hormone specifically for cuttings. dunno if it will work with schefflera.
ive also got a peice of scheff going in water now its living really well but the root growth seems to be minimal at best so i would give dekus method a try but theres many products for root stimulation check your local hydroponics store they can help u out on that
Honey is a natural rooting hormone. I've cloned tons of schefflera using nothing but honey and moist perlite/vermiculite.
I was going to use some root hormone, but I don't really need to grow these scheffs, just felt like giving it a go!

Might give the honey trick a go! Any idea why it works?
I've never had Schefflera plants grow when put in water. I've only ever had them grow in soil or perlite/vermiculite.
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