Established Member
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Male, Veiled. 4 Months old (approx), had him for a month.
Handling - Almost daily. The amount of time out of his cage varies. Yesterday we redid his entire enclosure, so he was out for at least an hour... but this is the only time we ever handled him that long.
Feeding - Crickets, mealworms, and house flies. Gets 4-5 crickets 3 times a day, one mealworm a day, and a fly or two if he can catch them while he's out of his cage. Gutload varies between oranges, carrots, oats, and roasted kelp. Oh, and a piece of christmas melon I was using in a short pinch a couple days ago.
Supplements - Exoterra brand. I also have reptical + d3 that I don't use. Calcium (every cricket and mealworm, everyday), Multivitamin (every other monday), Calcium + D3 (every other monday that I don't give him his multi). This monday past was multi day.
Watering - I use a manual pump sprayer, and spray his enclosure for about a minute, at least 4 times a day.
Fecal Description - Never been tested for parasites as far as I know. He goes at least once a day, and it's white and dark brown.
History - I bought him from a local reptile specialty store / reptile zoo. They only had him a day, but said he was from a breeder in Russia. Don't know the significance of that, if any.
Cage Info:
Cage Type - 2x2x4' tall, screen enclosure.
Lighting - Exoterra 13W Reptile UVB 100 (Former Repti Glo 5.0 Compact), 50W Halogen Basking Spot. Both are in 5" domes from "All Living Things". They go on at 7am, go off around 7:30 - 8:00pm. I also have a grow light for the schefflera. My husband has been taking him outside for 15 minute sunbaths every day for almost a week now.
Temperature - Basking is usually 80*F - 85*F, Ambient is usually 70 - 80 during the day. Lowest overnight was 60*. We have two humidity/temp gauges, one near the basking, one near the middle portion on the opposite side from the lights.
Humidity - 20 - 50 % Humidity, maintained through lots of manual mistings.
I've been having a hard time maintaining both humidity and temps with the weird weather we've been getting. 3 days ago it was 30*C out, today it's 11*C.
Plants - Schefflera that he's been eating. It has aphids... Planning on getting a new one very soon. Just introduced a small pothos yesterday.
Placement - In the corner, between two windows, in my dining room. I have four cats that don't pay any attention to him. But other than that, it's only my husband and myself.
Location - Ontario, Canada
Current Problem - I came home from work this morning, and my husband told me that he took a video of our chameleon acting weird. The video is of him scratching at his head and face, rubbing his feet on the vines, and possibly favoring his back feet like they hurt. He just shed last week, it took about a day, if that's relevant.
I don't know if this is a sign of something serious, or something chams just do occasionally. I've never seen him do anything like this, except when he's shedding. I don't know if we're overreacting or if there's a problem we should see a vet about. Today he's eaten all of his crickets, and I haven't seen him scratching himself. I'm still worried something might be going on.
Here's the video my husband took last night (around 7pm). Any ideas as to why he's doing this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SXbtGN5w_g
Your Chameleon - Male, Veiled. 4 Months old (approx), had him for a month.
Handling - Almost daily. The amount of time out of his cage varies. Yesterday we redid his entire enclosure, so he was out for at least an hour... but this is the only time we ever handled him that long.
Feeding - Crickets, mealworms, and house flies. Gets 4-5 crickets 3 times a day, one mealworm a day, and a fly or two if he can catch them while he's out of his cage. Gutload varies between oranges, carrots, oats, and roasted kelp. Oh, and a piece of christmas melon I was using in a short pinch a couple days ago.
Supplements - Exoterra brand. I also have reptical + d3 that I don't use. Calcium (every cricket and mealworm, everyday), Multivitamin (every other monday), Calcium + D3 (every other monday that I don't give him his multi). This monday past was multi day.
Watering - I use a manual pump sprayer, and spray his enclosure for about a minute, at least 4 times a day.
Fecal Description - Never been tested for parasites as far as I know. He goes at least once a day, and it's white and dark brown.
History - I bought him from a local reptile specialty store / reptile zoo. They only had him a day, but said he was from a breeder in Russia. Don't know the significance of that, if any.
Cage Info:
Cage Type - 2x2x4' tall, screen enclosure.
Lighting - Exoterra 13W Reptile UVB 100 (Former Repti Glo 5.0 Compact), 50W Halogen Basking Spot. Both are in 5" domes from "All Living Things". They go on at 7am, go off around 7:30 - 8:00pm. I also have a grow light for the schefflera. My husband has been taking him outside for 15 minute sunbaths every day for almost a week now.
Temperature - Basking is usually 80*F - 85*F, Ambient is usually 70 - 80 during the day. Lowest overnight was 60*. We have two humidity/temp gauges, one near the basking, one near the middle portion on the opposite side from the lights.
Humidity - 20 - 50 % Humidity, maintained through lots of manual mistings.
I've been having a hard time maintaining both humidity and temps with the weird weather we've been getting. 3 days ago it was 30*C out, today it's 11*C.
Plants - Schefflera that he's been eating. It has aphids... Planning on getting a new one very soon. Just introduced a small pothos yesterday.
Placement - In the corner, between two windows, in my dining room. I have four cats that don't pay any attention to him. But other than that, it's only my husband and myself.
Location - Ontario, Canada
Current Problem - I came home from work this morning, and my husband told me that he took a video of our chameleon acting weird. The video is of him scratching at his head and face, rubbing his feet on the vines, and possibly favoring his back feet like they hurt. He just shed last week, it took about a day, if that's relevant.
I don't know if this is a sign of something serious, or something chams just do occasionally. I've never seen him do anything like this, except when he's shedding. I don't know if we're overreacting or if there's a problem we should see a vet about. Today he's eaten all of his crickets, and I haven't seen him scratching himself. I'm still worried something might be going on.
Here's the video my husband took last night (around 7pm). Any ideas as to why he's doing this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SXbtGN5w_g