Screen Material ?


Avid Member
Hello Everyone,

I'm building my first enclosure and am trying to figure out what would be the best screen material to use. The cage I'm building will be for a young panther that I plan on purchasing once the cage is completed and will be about 2'W x 1'D x 2"H and made from stained and sealed 1" x 2" red oak from Lowes. I've been doing a bunch of searches and reading a ton of threads about building enclosures and am still unsure of what type of screen material is best. I was originally going to buy the aluminum window screen but had heard that it can hurt the feet of our chams and that their claws/toes can get stuck in it so I wound up buying some charcoal fiberglass screen from Lowes that is made to keep pests out but not block out the sun. Will this work well for a cham enclosure? I had read that our lighting systems can deteriorate the fiberglass and that crickets can chew through some fiberglass materials as well so I'm beginning to questions my choice. I think that what I bought will be ok since if it doesn't block out the sun then our lighting systems shouldn't be degraded and if it's meant to keep pests out it should be able to keep crickets in. I just wanted to ask the experts on here before I opened up the package and started building the screen part in case I was wrong and need to go exchange it.

Thanks for any advice you guys can give.
Crickets will eat straight through that fiberglass within a week and that is no joke u wanna I with aluminum screening either coated in PVC which is safe or coated in Teflon which is even enter but a lil harder to find a snide mee expensive but it will never rust and it is water proof not to mention that the crickets can't eat through aluminum. Here is a link i see when I got my screen material

And to be more specific go here
Thanks. I wound up taking it back to Lowes and exchanging it for some charcoal aluminum pest screen. It has a protective coating that is supposed to protect it from rust although I couldn't figure out what the coating was made of. Either way it's not nearly as abrasive as the regular aluminum so I think it will work out well for what I'm doing.

Here's what I got in case you're curious:
I'm not an expert but that is exactly what I was going to get when I build an enclosure. Let us know how it works out for you!

Thanks. I wound up taking it back to Lowes and exchanging it for some charcoal aluminum pest screen. It has a protective coating that is supposed to protect it from rust although I couldn't figure out what the coating was made of. Either way it's not nearly as abrasive as the regular aluminum so I think it will work out well for what I'm doing.

Here's what I got in case you're curious:
that charchol screen has and amazing look to it id recomend it for the sides but i would use a more open mesh for the top so more light get through. I noticed that the charchol screen has a very tight mesh pattern so might block a little bit to much light but thats JMO
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