Securing Branches in Reptibreeze


Ok, first time Cham owner here. I recently purchased a 3 month old male veiled. Everything is going great so far. However, I'm struggling with getting enough horizontal branches in the cage. I see a lot of photos of cages with numerous branches, but I can never tell how they keep them from falling down. I would prefer not to put holes in the cage if possible. Any tips would be greatly appreciated!!!
I had this same question 4 weeks ago!!! Options:
1. Tie fishing line or thin wire around end of branch then through mesh. You can drill a hole through the stick and tie it though that if you like.
2. Cut to fit right up to screen and then poke thumbtack through screen hole into branch.

The screen is ridiculously strong I have found.

Good luck!
Awesome! I will give that a shot tonight. I also just thought of using burnt PVC to make a series of perches. that way I can zip tie vines and branches directly that.
Dragon ledges

If you have the extra money to spend, I definitely recommend dragon ledges (you can just google them). I have a reptibreeze and got some and now am able to have multiple horizontal and vertical branches as well as 4 seperate live potted plants hanging from them and am not worried about damaging the screen because the ledges screw right into the frame.
I use plant tie, you can find it in the garden area of almost any store, walmart, Fred Meyer, Lows. Its plastic, strong but flexible, a little time consuming to get them all hung, but worth it. I do have to change them out from time to time, the lights make it brittle after a while. It works great for me though. And its only a couple dollars a roll.
On there are some great articles about setting up your Cham enclosure. They were a big help when I was setting up mine. I use zip ties through drilled holes to secure an empty pot to the branch and then put a potted plant in there so there are 2 pots and it's really easy to switch out plants. It will only let me attach 1 picture at a time so the first one is my whole enclosure and the second is a closer look at the dragon ledge and the stuff attached to it.


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I cut the branches so that they fit snugly against the mesh and then used pushpins to secure them in place. Little rough on the fingers, but the ones I have set up this way are pretty secure.
I second the pushpin idea. I even got some black flat kind so it blends in nicely
It works pretty well
I built a free standing 3 sided frame with bamboo sticks and zip ties from the garden center. You can mount sticks and vines at virtually any angle or height you want. After the frame is built you can zip tie plants to it as well.
To avoid the plastic getting brittle, you can use florist's wire which is super thin. You can buy it at Michaels.


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