Senegal Cham for Thanksgiving

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Your mom did not find a CB Senegal. You are 100% saying that to appease us. I'm pretty sure there's no such thing as a CB Senegal. If there is I've never heard of one. I can tell by the way you talk you are getting a Cham no matter what anyone tells you. I need to really really try to make you understand this. When you buy an animal of any kind you are responsible for a life. I know your bent on spending as little as possible and if you get a chameleon of any kind with that kind of attitude your chameleon is going to die. If your mom is not willing to spend the money that's needed for a chameleon which is gonna be around $200 just to get you setup. That's not including the chameleon. Your all glass cage might be fine for leopard geckos and corn snakes but it is not fine for a chameleon. You say you have been researching for a year and after that amount of time you are gonna put a chameleon is a glass cage?? I think you need to just keep going with research for much much longer and in the mean time save your money.
Think about you it. You want a chameleon soooooo bad and it so obvious but how are you gonna feel 30 days later when all you have is a dead chameleon. And you and only you will be the reason it's dead. You don't want that do you?
Your mom did not find a CB Senegal. You are 100% saying that to appease us. I'm pretty sure there's no such thing as a CB Senegal. If there is I've never heard of one. I can tell by the way you talk you are getting a Cham no matter what anyone tells you. I need to really really try to make you understand this. When you buy an animal of any kind you are responsible for a life. I know your bent on spending as little as possible and if you get a chameleon of any kind with that kind of attitude your chameleon is going to die. If your mom is not willing to spend the money that's needed for a chameleon which is gonna be around $200 just to get you setup. That's not including the chameleon. Your all glass cage might be fine for leopard geckos and corn snakes but it is not fine for a chameleon. You say you have been researching for a year and after that amount of time you are gonna put a chameleon is a glass cage?? I think you need to just keep going with research for much much longer and in the mean time save your money.
Think about you it. You want a chameleon soooooo bad and it so obvious but how are you gonna feel 30 days later when all you have is a dead chameleon. And you and only you will be the reason it's dead. You don't want that do you?

You would be surprised as I was too.. But I've actually seen a few people recently with cb Senegal and flappys.. However your not gonna find one for $20. more likely $50 plus $50 shipping.. A Senegal was actually my second chameleon I ever owned at age 13.. Wc got him for $35. And had him probably about 2 1/2 years which I think was pretty good considering he was wc. However I never would of kept him in an all glass tank.. I think I had him in a 65 gallon reptarium.. It seemed to be just large enough for him.. and in all reality as active as he was he probably could of used a little more room. So can a Senegal be kept by someone relatively new to keeping chameleons? Yes. However you seem unwilling to meet anything other than minimum requirements so I wouldn't recommend it. Your aquarium is about half that size.. I'd recommend rethinking it.. Go pygmys if you never intend on upgrading to a larger cage...
I'm sorry, but it's crazy that you came to a chameleon forum filled with people who have so many years of experience, but yet you're acting like a child and not listening to them. They came off sounding rude, but that's because you are downright refusing to listen to what the chameleons needs are. It's not okay to get the minimum requirements and try to cheap out on everything. You are taking a life into your hands and with the way your comments sound, it's as if you wouldn't even care if it died because you could just get another "$30" chameleon. They have just as much life as you do and should be given the adequate care.
Well I just wrote a giant explanation, but this was how it ended: I spent a year of time and 250$ on getting one of these guys and I appreciate the people not telling me it was for nothing (not you guys apparently, those guys have not recently replied. So, to all you other people here, I suggest clicking this link:
Ya know eve was fine and I was getting information that actually helped and was intelligent until about 30 hours ago when you started replying scout. Might wanna check out that link.
Ya know eve was fine and I was getting information that actually helped and was intelligent until about 30 hours ago when you started replying scout. Might wanna check out that link.

All right everyone, take a breath!

The basic point we all need to focus on is that the OP is determined to get a cham...which one is best suited for a beginner is debatable really, but the one inescapable fact that needs to be faced Nicky is that the cage you have is simply too small for the species you've picked out. Unfortunately, your choice is to either pick a smaller species, or buy a larger cage for a Senegal. Either way it comes down to $$ and there's nothing anyone can do about that but you. This isn't anyone's opinion, it is the reality regardless whether a forum member wants to be sarcastic or polite about saying so.

I totally understand wanting a specific species because it happens to appeal to you visually. We can help you handle the learning curve as long as you can provide the appropriate housing and supplies it will need. I would never suggest buying a species you are not intrigued with...that leads to a neglected miserable creature who would be better off elsewhere.
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I read that 2-3 chameleons could fit in a 30 gallon tank (I call crap on that, but if they've had success with that little space a 30 gallon tank for one should do fine.) while I appreciate (some of) the advice, most of it is crap. My mom found a CB Senegal, as well as one that was caught as a baby and has been rehabilitated for several years. He is now 3 I believe and living contently.
It's good to know the 17+ years that I have put into 30+ species of chameleons that I've have kept and bred is crap.

The name calling is starting on several of your threads so I'm closing them for 24 hours to let cooler heads prevail. Including mine.
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