Setup problems need input


New Member
I have a small veiled prob around 2 or 3 months. I built a big 15 15 36" cage for him. I had him in a ten gallon tank that he was doing great in showing good colours eating drinking ect. Now that I've moved him into his new big well fake planted and vined mesh enclosure he's showing drab dark greens some brown colours. And seems to be drinking less from the leaves. Should I have kept him in the ten gallon or wait it out to see if he adjusts? He is still eating in the new enclosure but seems more interested in climbing the sides of the screen. Input muchly appreciated thanks!
It is kinda normal for them to take time getting used to the new enclosure. If you can post some pics of the cage we can give you a better answer! (plus we love to see pics of enclosures!) And, no, you should not have left him in the 10 gallon! ;)

image.jpg Same screen from sliding screen doors
I think some more leaves up towards the top of the enclosure would help him feel more secure. Looks nice! The browns may be due to the fact that he is basking and trying to absorb heat.
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