sex and type of panther?


New Member
Got pics today of the panther chameleon available. I think it looks male but Im not sure!

Anyone know what locale of panther it is?

Thanks alot!




Definately Female... No way to tell the locale unless you can get in touch with who ever hatched her.

:eek:If those are Bruises , somebody kicked the crap out of that cham. Looks like some kind of skin fungus. Big Red Flag!
I know we have several UK Members on the site, I am sure you can find a good breeder from the UK that you are sure to get a healty animal from. If they are letting her get chewed on that bad, I would never buy an animal from them...Maybe liberate a few;), but that animal is obiously not being kept in good conditions.

So you want to get a Male Panther? Good Luck!:) I hope you find a reliable dealer.

Female, has she ever mated? they could be mating wounds.

Most female panthers are peachy/brown/tanish. The best way to tell is to look for a hemipenal bulge at the base of the tail which is absent from her.
Thanks, I was in contact with a good breeder - until he told me he sent them through the post!!
Im in contact with another person about some nosey be babies though so fingers crossed!

Thanks :)
Mailing Chams is a very common, and if done correctly, safe practice, that is probably the most common way to purchase a Cham with hobbiests here in the states. I don't know how reliable the shipping services are over there...But I am pretty sure UPS is international correct?
Yeah its done over here but with a courier that legally transports live animals. This breeder meant going through a company called royal mail which isnt legally allowed to transport live animals and arent reliable atall! Ive had livefoods come through them and all the tubs were smashed to pieces!
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