Sex Furcifer oustaleti


New Member

I need your help sexing my Furcifer oustaleti. I purchased 2 young, wild caught Furcifer oustaleti nearly one year ago. They were astimated by me and the vendor to be 1.1 but now I fear that I've got 2.0 :eek:

I wanted to start breeding now, so I decided to find out, how the chameleons would react on each other. Last week I put them together in one terrarium and the reaction was: none. None of the two animals reacted on the other. No hissing, no change of colour, nothing. This behaviour didn't change for 2 days, so I seperated the chameleons again and now I'm a bit confused: Do I have two calm boys, two girls or an unwilling couple :confused:

It would be nice, if some of you could help me out with their experience, unfortunately Furcifer oustaleti experts are rare in Germany ;)
I attached 2 photos of each animal: one showing the whole chameleon and one showing a closeup of the tail.

Every comment is appreciated.

Greetings from Berlin


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Hi Brautigan,

Yes, you have two male Furcifer oustaleti. They have obvious hemipenal bulges and typical male coloration. Females will lack the bulge all together and are typically green in coloration.

Hi Chris,

I feared you would say that :eek:

So I have to search for an appropriate female.
Do you have any idea about my males' morph?
According to adcham I would guess Tananarive, but I'm not sure.

Thank you very much for your help!

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