Sexing a juvenile Veiled chameleon

So you're saying a female can go her whole life without laying a single egg?
Female veileds can go their whole life without laying an egg...they can be turned back on to laying too feeding them more and increasing thtemperatures slightly. You can also have them lay small clutches like they should if you reach that "happy medium". I've been doing it with them since before a1996.
Yes, I have a very good friend that has females and she has taught me quite a bit about lower basking temps and reduced food intake to help control clutch size... but they can still lay eggs even with perfect temps and correct feeding.
Good that my infomis used and spread,
As it comes from me.

If they lay infertile ehgs still, rhen they fet too much food and the temps are still too
Hogh, IMHO
The millions
Of years programming can not be deleted in captivity
She does
Keep them
Female veileds can go their whole life without laying an egg...they can be turned back on to laying too feeding them more and increasing thtemperatures slightly. You can also have them lay small clutches like they should if you reach that "happy medium". I've been doing it with them since before a1996.
So is it better to have them lay small clutches occasionally or not lay at all?
You got beautiful girl there, and yes you may start reading on how often and how much to feed her and the temps to keep her in so she doesn't strain her body with large clutches of infertile eggs, or maybe get a male and breed her, whatever you do have fun as they are amazing creatures.
So is it better to have them lay small clutches occasionally or not lay at all?
It is not easy to answer this question. The fact is if a female does not like eggs she will live longer.
The mother nature made females to reproduce and lay eggs but if this does not happen it does not have negative influence on their health.
On the other side, the meaning of life is to reproduce and transfer the genes into following generations. From this perspective it is one of the animals rights if there are no constraints like genetics, health or others.
So, everyone has to decide what he or she goes for.
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@Jmedrano While your sweet little girl is still young, she will grow fast and before you know it, she’ll be showing off her pretty colors and become very restless. This can happen as young as 5-6 months old. Once she reaches this point, you’ll want to start cutting back on her feedings. Giving maybe about 4-5 feeders every other day. This is also the time to prepare her lay bin. Get a container that is approx 10x10x10” and fill to 6-8” deep with washed play sand. You may want to drill a few tiny holes in the bottom for drainage. The sand needs to be kept moist enough to form a tunnel without collapsing. They don’t really dig straight down, but go at an angle so keep that in mind. If you want, you can add a little organic soil and put a plant in. They do like to lay against root balls. You will be keeping the lay bin as a permanent part of her enclosure to avoid guessing when she needs it. Anywhere from a few weeks on she will start gaining weight and may look lumpy. When she is ready to lay, she’ll find her bin. Once you see she has started digging, cover the visible sides with a light sheet and give her privacy. You could cut a few peek holes in the sheet to monitor her. My ladies have taken 1-2 days from start to finish. When she is done, she’ll have covered her hole and be on her basking branch looking dirty and thinner. Feed and hydrate her well for a few days and then cut back her feedings again. I give my ladies 3 feeders 3 days a a few small treats here and there. Keep your temps no higher than 80*.
While I’m still working it all out myself, both of my ladies laid back in Feb & March, receptive again in April/May...have not laid again and are seeming to be a bit receptive again, although not as strongly as previously. Either they have conspired to puzzle me or my efforts to reduce laying have been successful. :)
Hi there!! So since the last time I read this thread I rearranged the basking spot/ temps and don’t feed her as much since she doesn’t even seem too interested in too much food lately anyways. In the last day or so I’ve noticed her pretty colors and severe restlessness. I thought she had cage fever because of her shed but after more thought and research I realized the time is now. Shes constantly on the move and I have to be very careful since every time I simply open the cage she wants to climb out and escape on my arm. Also since I moved her basking spot she wants to climb the cage to but right under the bulb and I don’t want to hurt my sweet girl. Right now I have school but I’m planning on an 10-12 inch deep bin as large as I can get it and putting it at the bottom of the cage. Planning on putting play sand from Home Depot and ensuring on that not too dry not to moist angles tunnel. Let me know if things need to change or I have the wrong info i really wanna do this right for the sake of my zilla. Thank you so much
Hi there!! So since the last time I read this thread I rearranged the basking spot/ temps and don’t feed her as much since she doesn’t even seem too interested in too much food lately anyways. In the last day or so I’ve noticed her pretty colors and severe restlessness. I thought she had cage fever because of her shed but after more thought and research I realized the time is now. Shes constantly on the move and I have to be very careful since every time I simply open the cage she wants to climb out and escape on my arm. Also since I moved her basking spot she wants to climb the cage to but right under the bulb and I don’t want to hurt my sweet girl. Right now I have school but I’m planning on an 10-12 inch deep bin as large as I can get it and putting it at the bottom of the cage. Planning on putting play sand from Home Depot and ensuring on that not too dry not to moist angles tunnel. Let me know if things need to change or I have the wrong info i really wanna do this right for the sake of my zilla. Thank you so much
Sounds like she’s receptive. :) Egg laying will come next so get that lay bin ready and pop it in. I suggest leaving it in permanently to avoid guessing when needed and reduce stress of having a new item in her space.Moist play sand is the way to go. If you want, you could mix a bit of organic soil (not coco coir) and put a plant in the corner of the bin. The bin should be about 10x10x10”, but filled to only 6-8” deep. Don’t forget to add a couple of ways in/out of the bin. You’ve got this!;)
Hi! Very new to the forums, and I’ve had my baby since around the second week of June from petco. I never really took the advice from petco employees especially when they said to use my fingers to feel above the anus and feel small ball like things or whatnot,, ya noooo?
I’m aware of the tarsal Spurs identification Im just having a really hard time. Let me know if I need to get more/ better/ or specific pictures!!
Petco strikes again
Sounds like she’s receptive. :) Egg laying will come next so get that lay bin ready and pop it in. I suggest leaving it in permanently to avoid guessing when needed and reduce stress of having a new item in her space.Moist play sand is the way to go. If you want, you could mix a bit of organic soil (not coco coir) and put a plant in the corner of the bin. The bin should be about 10x10x10”, but filled to only 6-8” deep. Don’t forget to add a couple of ways in/out of the bin. You’ve got this!;)
Thank you so much!! Much love from me and zilla <3
@PetNcs , what is your view on other species? Can clutch reduction be practiced on pardalis, for instance?
I do not understand your question. If you rephrase it, I will gladly answer if yiu want to know my answer.
if yiu just want to have fun calling me out however like last time, please leave it
I do not understand your question. If you rephrase it, I will gladly answer if yiu want to know my answer.
if yiu just want to have fun calling me out however like last time, please leave it
I’m wondering whether we could use the same strategy on other species to keep infertile clutches to a minimum.
Thank you so much!! Much love from me and zilla <3
Hi! So the bin has been in the enclosure since yesterday and she hasn’t touched it she’s less restless now though so I feel like her instincts might be kicking in. I read that privacy could be the issue so I put up a thin sheet with a couple of sneaky holes so I can see her activity. Earlier she slunk down and has been studying the sand. I also ended up digging my own little tunnel in the corner to one ensure it wouldn’t collapse on her and it was damp enough and I read that it could give her an idea or kick her instincts into gear. She seems to be doing well and she doesn’t seem as uneasy and anxious almost, I hope this goes well I was going to attach a picture but she seems to be dwelling deeper and deeper and I don’t wanna spook her back to the top or have her wanna climb out onto me. Although I am touched she finally wants me to be her human tree ? Thank y’all so much for all your help, it means so much to me and my girl :)
I’m wondering whether we could use the same strategy on other species to keep infertile clutches to a minimum.

the principle is the same
Overheating and not respecting natural climatic cycles
Combined with
Heavy overfeeding
Causes. Ig and frequent clutches

Simullating climate lit of breeding period amd feeding modesťly prevents breedinga dn jigh nimbers of eggs

at least in
F pardalis
F oustaleti
C arabicus
C chamaeleon

this is what ai can confirm, works

otjer slecies might have other triggers
But the lrinciple will remain same IMHO
the principle is the same
Overheating and not respecting natural climatic cycles
Combined with
Heavy overfeeding
Causes. Ig and frequent clutches

Simullating climate lit of breeding period amd feeding modesťly prevents breedinga dn jigh nimbers of eggs

at least in
F pardalis
F oustaleti
C arabicus
C chamaeleon

this is what ai can confirm, works

otjer slecies might have other triggers
But the lrinciple will remain same IMHO
Thank you very much Petr! This was extremely helpful!


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