Sexing hatching panther chameleon

Was curious if someone would be able to sex my panther for me? I was told it was a male, paid extra for a male but based on my research and opinion it seems like a female. Any information would be helpful! I believe he/she is about a month old


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Are there any pics of her standing straight horizontal with his/her tail straight out behind her?
I didn’t want to stress her out too much


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How old is she/he? I would say female because while the tail is thick, there is rise up after her vent. Though it could be 50/50% as I’m no expert on it. Telling us her age will help as well (if she’s old enough, she might be showing some more color right now if she is male)
Roughly a month old. I got him/her from CBreptiles and paid for a male but sex isn’t “guaranteed” as the biologist makes mistakes I guess.
Roughly a month old. I got him/her from CBreptiles and paid for a male but sex isn’t “guaranteed” as the biologist makes mistakes I guess.
Yeah, for future reference, do not buy from CB Reptile, they sell unhealthy chameleons, among other bad things, and can’t sex a panther for the life of them. Definitely take your chameleon to an experienced chameleon vet for a check-up, including a fecal float (bring a fresh sample with you) to test for parasites, bloodwork (checks for vitamin levels and infections, etc.), and x-rays (checks for MBD). Make sure to drop off at least 2-3+ more fecal samples afterwards to make sure no parasites were missed in the first one.
Also, for future reference if/when you get another chameleon, only buy from good reputable breeders who produce healthy chameleons as their first concern (not color first), have clear genetics, and don’t line-breed/inbreed, etc. They also will not sell a chameleon unless it is at leas three months old (this is for veileds and panthers, Jacksons need longer) and are basically dead-on for sexing them. Minimum of three months old is recommended for buying a panther or veiled chameleon, as is harder for buyers to keep them healthy if they are younger than three months of age.
That is a female. Looks older then a month as well if I were to guess she is 2-2.5 months old. Not sure as to why they would list her as a month old, that is counterintuitive.
Thank you! I had my doubts as soon as I got her. I already emailed them complaining. I love females but I’m trying to breed so a male was more so what I wanted
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