Sexing my 8month old panther..


New Member
I got this chameleon at a pet store, without doing much research. I know i know, I should of done that first. The guy at the store, told me this was a female, so I took his word. Then just recently, i was reading on someone's post about sexing their cham, and then i started to notice the whole bulge thing. So now, I'm thinking the guy was wrong. I just want a second opinion to be sure. Thanks a lot..


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what do you mean by bulge thing? The stomach or something else? What kind of colors is it showing? usually you can tell a female and male by their colors. The females are usually kinda peachy, orangy color and the males have the reds, blues, greens etc.
Im reallyyyy bad at picking out locales
but Ill guess sambava? Just cuz of the red and green
either that or hes mixed?

Some one please clarify :p
He's definately a male. About the locality, i am not a pro at doing it, but i'm having a hard time even determining what coast he is from, because i can not clearly see the U or Y shape in his red vertical bars. So if you have any other pictures, it would be helpful! :)

EDIT: From what i think i see, he has more a " U " than Y, so i'm guessing East coast. Now, it could be Diego Suarez, Sambava, Tamatave, and a few mores, but i don't believe in Ambilobe. Or any other cross, obviously!
yeah i am no expert when it comes to chameleons i have done my research on housing and everything like that but when i comes to sexing i dont know haha, he was sold as a male from a petstore and is around 7 months.
yeah i am no expert when it comes to chameleons i have done my research on housing and everything like that but when i comes to sexing i dont know haha, he was sold as a male from a petstore and is around 7 months.

Yea, she's got typical female colors. A 7 month male would have vibrant boy colors by now (reds, greens, blues, etc). But she's lovely anyway, she's got very pretty colors. I hope you're not disappointed because she is super cute :D Now you'll just have to get her a handsome boyfriend!
hahaha... yeah im not disapointed the personality has long grown on me anyway :)

thanks for your advice cheers!
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