Sexing Panther Chameleon Babies


Avid Member
Does anybody know what the best way is to sex a hatchling panther chameleon....i need help trying to figure out what i baby is about 1-2 weeks old
way to young to tell. Sex isnt accurately depicted until about 2 months and even then, sometimes they'll swing a different way.
Post a good, clear picture taken directly from the baby's side that shows the tail stretched out and we could probably tell you.
Hi Kent,
Can you sex my new baby? It's a week old. Thanks!


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Well, here's the deal. After you see enough, you can get it right into the high 90%'s. If I was a breeder selling them, as a general rule, I wouldn't guarantee sex because of the potential for unhappy customers.

Ponders, do you have any (much) larger sized pictures, particularly with the tail base visible and the tail stretched out a little bit more? I'm basically looking for the ventral taper of the tail, and also in some cases you can actually see a lateral line that breaks forward of the tail-base in males.

Edit: Poh posted some great pictures of neos in another thread and showed the differences, don't remember where that thread is now.
Hi,the tail isnt the only criteria. Look at the chin(i mean the skin at the throat,dont know the english term for it,in german its "Interstinalhaut ")of the babies. Females show a red coloured skin,males a black one. Sometimes problematic with panthermorphs were males have a red flag as adults ,like ambilobe or diegos. With ambanjas and nosy be it works pretty good.
Colin is right, the tail is not the only indicator, however I have found it to be the best.

Ponders, your baby there appears to be a female, by the way. I forgot to mention that before. If you can get a get the better pic of the tail I'd be more certain about it. Someone else who saw it said she was 95% positive it's female. Without seeing a more clear shot of the tail and because of my statements above, I'm still around 65-70% sure :cool:
Yep, I'd say I'm sure it's a female. Besides it's rather "girly" color, you can see in that pic how the tail at the base, where the hemipenes would be, kind of arcs upwards rather than being horizontal, straight to the vent like a male.

I've actually searched twice now for some decent pictures to link to that shows the difference but have come up empty. Can anyone help me out? Poh?
Thank you Kent and Trace. We think she's pretty cute too! Her throat is pink when she puffs it out. It was my first attempt at egg hatching, a friend gave me an egg from her clutch. I only had to wait 3 weeks to get her to hatch, don't know if I could handle 8 mos! She poked her head out of the egg one day (that was a week ago) and rested in the egg for two more before she decided to emerge in time for some St Patricks day festivities. Thanks again, it was fun!
I third the female label, while I am in no shape or form an expert, the tail is thinner at the base. Male's tails tend to be thicker at the base - like they take up the entire end of the body, not just half.

Just my 2 pfennig, as Colin might say.
I third the female label, while I am in no shape or form an expert, the tail is thinner at the base. Male's tails tend to be thicker at the base - like they take up the entire end of the body, not just half.

Just my 2 pfennig, as Colin might say.

No Dude,its all cent and euro now..:)
Yep its a she...I feel that color is the easiest way to sex at that age. Males tend to have darker barring where girls have that yellowish brown tent. That is my 2 cents.

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