She always runs away from the water?


New Member
I've only seen my veiled drink a few times...kinda scary. But I will seriously stand there for 5 minutes and with her cage. But she runs away. I don't point it towards her either. Any tricks?
Some cham's are just shy. If her urates are white then you know she is drinking. Some people have never seen their cham's drink at all. I know that my babies wont drink in front of me, but as they grow they got used to me and drink all the time.

Not much you can do.
It may also be the water temp freaking her out. Its never going to be the exact same as there tempature. But the sudden change freaks them jmo. My xanth will freak at first somtimes, but settles in and drinks it up. If the urates are fine and your providing water, everything should be ok.:)
I try to make sure the water is warm temperature, or a ittle bit warmer. Her urates are white as snow though lol.
Dancing Panther

My Panther loves my Power mister! I keep it at a good distance, and he stands on his hind legs and wiggles in the mist, than he will start opening and closing his mouth like he is drinking the mist. When he is finished he climbs up to bask in the light..
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