She has eggs and refuses to lay them

Cage Info:
  • Cage Type - Describe your cage (Glass, Screen, Combo?) What are the dimensions? Glass screen combo, I don’t know the dimensions Nor do I, but I do know that they do not make glass enclosures large enough for adult chameleons. She needs a much larger enclosure, with a minimum size of 2x2x4’ or equivalent. Being in Florida, a screen or hybrid enclosure is best to ensure she has good air ventilation.
  • Lighting - What brand, model, and types of lighting are you using? What is your daily lighting schedule? 7am - 7 pm uvb ( I ordered a new one based off recommendations already) and 100 watt heat lamp Your schedule is great - your lights, not so much. The screw in uvb is not able to provide the uvb that chameleons need any farther away than 2”. So, essentially she hasn’t gotten any uvb except for the times that you’ve taken her outside in the sun. I hope you’ve ordered the correct T5HO fixture with either a 5.0 or 6% uvb. When you get that, her basking area needs to be about 8-9” away from the light. Don’t forget that the uvb bulb needs to be changed every 6 -12 months.
  • Temperature - What temp range have you created (cage floor to basking spot)? Lowest overnight temp? How do you measure these temps?80 degree near the top and 78 below near base, over night it’s 73. Thermometer in the cage Perfect
  • Humidity - What are your humidity levels? How are you creating and maintaining these levels? What do you use to measure humidity? 50-69 misting with spray Not sure I understand. Do you mean after misting the humidity is 50-60%? If so, what is the humidity in between mistings? Ideal daytime humidity is between 30-50%. Your night time temps aren’t low enough to have a night time boost up to 80-100% and that’s ok. I’m not far from you and I can’t get my temps low enough.
  • Plants - Are you using live plants? If so, what kind?no I had fake plants I’m charging this. Yes! Please! Pothos is your new bff. I always think it’s nice to have a large/tall center plant such as a schefflera and then pothos or other vining plant around it. Most plants however will need a special plant grow light. Pothos does ok without one. Move all of the fake plants to the outside of the enclosure. I hang mine on the door to give my chams a sense of privacy. Your girl may eat her plants, so they need to be alive and safe. Veileds have been known to eat a fake leaf and then get a serious bowel obstruction/impaction.
  • Placement - Where is your cage located? Is it near any fans, air vents, or high traffic areas? At what height is the top of the cage relative to your room floor? Not near fans or air vents on a table 3ft off the ground near French doors, it is a traffic area of the home but she didn’t seem to mind it I’m going to advise moving her to a lower traffic area. Not only does heavy traffic stress chameleons, but it’s way too much while she is trying/needing to lay eggs. They need to feel safe in order to lay and that means not seeing any humans or animals. I cover up the bottom half of my girls’ enclosures when they are close to or actually laying. I have tiny peek holes in the sheet to monitor progress without her seeing me.
  • Location - Where are you geographically located?Orlando, fl We have some great vets in Orlando. I go to Dr Bogoslavsky who has years of experience with chameleons and keeps up to date. I have heard though that he no longer does egg bound surgery for chameleons. The other great vet is Dr Santiago Diaz. Dr Diaz and other vets at his clinic are also experienced with chameleons. I‘ve no idea of their fees. I can only tell you that Dr Bruce’s fees are very reasonable.
Thank you so much for all of this, I will look up those vets. I’ll work on changing out her plant once she can lay her eggs. I do have her enclosure covered since reading on here the last few days that it will help. I did order her new uvb and it will be here Friday and I started her on Repti-boost to help her mbd ( I’m so worried now) anything else I can do to help that? (Besides her new light)
Thank you so much for all of this, I will look up those vets. I’ll work on changing out her plant once she can lay her eggs. I do have her enclosure covered since reading on here the last few days that it will help. I did order her new uvb and it will be here Friday and I started her on Repti-boost to help her mbd ( I’m so worried now) anything else I can do to help that? (Besides her new light)
Right now it sounds like she is needing to lay her eggs. Has she started digging at all? Is she eating? Unfortunately I suspect she may have difficulty laying her eggs. I would advise going to one of the vets I mentioned who I know have a lot of experience and knowledge with chameleons. Not all exotics vets are very familiar or knowledgeable about chams. I went to one whose ‘exam’ was holding my cham up and turning her around to look at her and seemed to have no idea that she could take an x ray to check for eggs. She was great with my dog and cats, but knew zip about my cham. I’m over in Brevard but make the drive to Orlando for Dr Bruce. When he retires, I’ll still be driving to Orlando to see Dr Diaz.
Did the vet do blood work to see if the chameleon had gout or MBD. Her arm looks swollen….which is why I asked for the other photos of your chameleon…but you haven’t provided them yet.

You said…”I started her in repti+boost tonight so I can help her MBD“…how is reptiboost supposed to help the MBD? To correct MBD, you have to bring the calcium, phos, D3 and vitamin A back into balance, provide good UVB light and provide enough calcium to strengthen the bones as well.

You said…”we are using zoo med repticalcium“…on all feedings a month but 2? Vitamins with D3 and prEformed vitamin A twice a month? All dusting slightly?

You said…”she gets natural light too in front of French doors”…does the sun shine in through the glass or are the doors open? UVB does not do any good if it’s through glass or plastic.

You said…”I water her dirt in her laying bin daily and stir is so it’s soft”…
just moist enough to hold a tunnel…not sopping wet…right?
New pictures of Lizzy today in her sunlight therapy


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Did the vet do blood work to see if the chameleon had gout or MBD. Her arm looks swollen….which is why I asked for the other photos of your chameleon…but you haven’t provided them yet.

You said…”I started her in repti+boost tonight so I can help her MBD“…how is reptiboost supposed to help the MBD? To correct MBD, you have to bring the calcium, phos, D3 and vitamin A back into balance, provide good UVB light and provide enough calcium to strengthen the bones as well.

You said…”we are using zoo med repticalcium“…on all feedings a month but 2? Vitamins with D3 and prEformed vitamin A twice a month? All dusting slightly?

You said…”she gets natural light too in front of French doors”…does the sun shine in through the glass or are the doors open? UVB does not do any good if it’s through glass or plastic.

You said…”I water her dirt in her laying bin daily and stir is so it’s soft”…
just moist enough to hold a tunnel…not sopping wet…right?
Did the vet do blood work to see if the chameleon had gout or MBD. Her arm looks swollen….which is why I asked for the other photos of your chameleon…but you haven’t provided them yet.I added so photos of her today, they didn’t do blood work. I’m just going by what another member said about her having MBD by looking at her arms.
You said…”I started her in repti+boost tonight so I can help her MBD“…how is reptiboost supposed to help the MBD? To correct MBD, you have to bring the calcium, phos, D3 and vitamin A back into balance, provide good UVB light and provide enough calcium to strengthen the bones as well. I purchased her new light is should be here Friday, I am hoping the extra vitamins bc she isn’t eating nearly anything right now so she doesn’t lose more calcium. ( I am new at this so I’m learning)

You said…”we are using zoo med repticalcium“…on all feedings a month but 2? Vitamins with D3 and prEformed vitamin A twice a month? All dusting slightly? Yes slightly dusting twice a week not monthly
You said…”she gets natural light too in front of French doors”…does the sun shine in through the glass or are the doors open? UVB does not do any good if it’s through glass or plastic. I bring her outside for her sunlight on my porch but her area is bright during the day and we have the doors open there too ( unless it’s cold)

You said…”I water her dirt in her laying bin daily and stir is so it’s soft”…
just moist enough to hold a tunnel…not sopping wet…right?

It’s soft enough to dig but firm enough to hold a tunnel


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You said…”I added so photos of her today, they didn’t do blood work. I’m just going by what another member said about her having MBD by looking at her arms”…I’m not a vet…I just speak from experience and what I’ve learned in over 30 years of keeping reptiles….her right arm looks swollen in a couple of the photos. Was it like that at the vet’s? Did the vet comment about it? In at least one photo the left arm looks bent too.

Does she always rest her belly on the branch/ground? Does she shoot her tongue out fully When eating insects?

You said.…”I purchased her new light is should be here Friday, I am hoping the extra vitamins bc she isn’t eating nearly anything right now so she doesn’t lose more calcium. ( I am new at this so I’m learning)”…the only vitamins that are involved with calcium are D3 and indirectly, vitamin A….the other vitamins just provide things she needs to be healthy in other ways. Calcium can’t help her bones or other things without the right amount of D3 from UVB or direct sunlight or supplements…because the D3 transports the calcium to the bones, etc. vitamin A plays a part indirectly because it needs to be in balance with the D3.

This is the way you should be using the supplements…phos free calcium on all feedings a month but 2 feedings. Vitamins with D3 and prEformed vitamin A twice a month…on the two days a month that you don’t use the calcium. All dustings lightly done.
Did the vet do blood work to see if the chameleon had gout or MBD. Her arm looks swollen….which is why I asked for the other photos of your chameleon…but you haven’t provided them yet.I added so photos of her today, they didn’t do blood work. I’m just going by what another member said about her having MBD by looking at her arms.
You said…”I started her in repti+boost tonight so I can help her MBD“…how is reptiboost supposed to help the MBD? To correct MBD, you have to bring the calcium, phos, D3 and vitamin A back into balance, provide good UVB light and provide enough calcium to strengthen the bones as well. I purchased her new light is should be here Friday, I am hoping the extra vitamins bc she isn’t eating nearly anything right now so she doesn’t lose more calcium. ( I am new at this so I’m learning)

You said…”we are using zoo med repticalcium“…on all feedings a month but 2? Vitamins with D3 and prEformed vitamin A twice a month? All dusting slightly? Yes slightly dusting twice a week not monthly
You said…”she gets natural light too in front of French doors”…does the sun shine in through the glass or are the doors open? UVB does not do any good if it’s through glass or plastic. I bring her outside for her sunlight on my porch but her area is bright during the day and we have the doors open there too ( unless it’s cold)

You said…”I water her dirt in her laying bin daily and stir is so it’s soft”…
just moist enough to hold a tunnel…not sopping wet…right?

It’s soft enough to dig but firm enough to hold a tunnel
You said…”I added so photos of her today, they didn’t do blood work. I’m just going by what another member said about her having MBD by looking at her arms”…I’m not a vet…I just speak from experience and what I’ve learned in over 30 years of keeping reptiles….her right arm looks swollen in a couple of the photos. Was it like that at the vet’s? Did the vet comment about it? In at least one photo the left arm looks bent too.

Does she always rest her belly on the branch/ground? Does she shoot her tongue out fully When eating insects?

You said.…”I purchased her new light is should be here Friday, I am hoping the extra vitamins bc she isn’t eating nearly anything right now so she doesn’t lose more calcium. ( I am new at this so I’m learning)”…the only vitamins that are involved with calcium are D3 and indirectly, vitamin A….the other vitamins just provide things she needs to be healthy in other ways. Calcium can’t help her bones or other things without the right amount of D3 from UVB or direct sunlight or supplements…because the D3 transports the calcium to the bones, etc. vitamin A plays a part indirectly because it needs to be in balance with the D3.

This is the way you should be using the supplements…phos free calcium on all feedings a month but 2 feedings. Vitamins with D3 and prEformed vitamin A twice a month…on the two days a month that you don’t use the calcium. All dustings lightly done.
Her arm was that way shen
You said…”I added so photos of her today, they didn’t do blood work. I’m just going by what another member said about her having MBD by looking at her arms”…I’m not a vet…I just speak from experience and what I’ve learned in over 30 years of keeping reptiles….her right arm looks swollen in a couple of the photos. Was it like that at the vet’s? Did the vet comment about it? In at least one photo the left arm looks bent too.

Does she always rest her belly on the branch/ground? Does she shoot her tongue out fully When eating insects?

You said.…”I purchased her new light is should be here Friday, I am hoping the extra vitamins bc she isn’t eating nearly anything right now so she doesn’t lose more calcium. ( I am new at this so I’m learning)”…the only vitamins that are involved with calcium are D3 and indirectly, vitamin A….the other vitamins just provide things she needs to be healthy in other ways. Calcium can’t help her bones or other things without the right amount of D3 from UVB or direct sunlight or supplements…because the D3 transports the calcium to the bones, etc. vitamin A plays a part indirectly because it needs to be in balance with the D3.

This is the way you should be using the supplements…phos free calcium on all feedings a month but 2 feedings. Vitamins with D3 and prEformed vitamin A twice a month…on the two days a month that you don’t use the calcium. All dustings lightly done.
Her arm was that way when I brought her in 3 weeks ago. She does lay on her belly a lot lately and doesn’t move too much any more. This has me very worried. She was so active before. She does shoot her tongue when she eats and even when she wants droplets of water if she is t close to the source.


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She seems to have quite a curve to her spine too.
She really needs a good exotics chameleon vet. I’m worried that if you don’t get her issues solved soon it will be too late. Once they start declining it can happen so fast.
Hi everyone, thank you all for your help so far. My lizzy laid her eggs last night. She worked so hard but she did it. So far to count there is a little over 20. It was late when she started but it took a few hours and then she covered them the best she could and fell asleep.

I turned her lights on this morning and started her drip for water and she drank some. I’m waiting for her to leave her bucket. As you all know she is still weak from MBD her vet recommended a supplement until she laid her eggs and then bring her back in.

My questions now, can I remove her from her egg bin? I’m afraid she is so weak she cannot climb her branch out. I’m giving her time to do it, but how long do I wait?
Are you sure that she’s all done laying? Does she still look plump or lumpy at all? Has she covered all of her holes? Does she have a good solid beach or vine to leave the lay bin? If you’re positive she’s all done and she’s just too weak now to get out on her own, you can place her on her basking branch. Feed and hydrate her very well to help her build her strength back up. If she looks to be declining - not eating, not basking, going to the bottom and staying there, closing eyes, etc you’ll need to get her in to the vet asap. Hopefully none of that will happen and she’ll be able to bounce back within a day or two.
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