I have a young vailed she just laid 3 eggs, seems like an unusually low amount for a clutch that was 2 days ago and has not returned to the box to deposit more any ideas?
How old is she? How big is the laying bin? What type of material did you use (sand or dirt etc)? Is she acting normally right now, eating and drinking and basking? Were the eggs fully formed? Did she see you/another animal/get disturbed in any way while she was digging?
Sorry for all the questions just trying to get an idea of the issue. You can try putting her into a large bin, like a trash can or a deep storage box with a medium for her to lay in (most use play sand) around 12" deep and nothing else, and leave her in there all day and see if she starts digging again. If that doesn't work it might be time for a vet visit. Especially if she starts to show symptoms of egg binding, which would include sunken eyes, and lethargy, hanging around the bottom of the cage without laying more eggs, and a reluctancy to eat and drink. If it gets to this point it's very serious, at this point if she's not displaying symptoms yet give her a day or two in a big laying bin and take it from there.
She is a little over a year old the egg laying bin is 2 by 2 by 12 in deep she lauded another egg yesterday eating and drinking fine she had the dark spot on her prior to laying now she's back to her normal colors is this normal to just lay a total of 4 eggs?
Sounds weird for her to just lay 4 eggs, usually Veiled's are known for laying a lot more. Does she still look gravid? Make sure you give her lots of privacy, if you don't she may end up not laying them and become egg bound.
Has she done any digging at all? Did she bury the eggs? If she's been digging has she seen you watching her while she is doing it?
The normal way things should go is this...
The female dig a hole. She may dig several test holes first but should chose one and dig it until she is satisfied...turn around butt down and lay the eggs. Usually this happens in the evening. She should then fill in the hole, tamp it down and return to the branches, hungry and thirsty. If it happens any other way then its cause for concern. It can mean that she is having some kind of problem.