shed problems

Hi I am new to chameleons and have one adult female ambalobie she hasn't been eating for a month now. She would eat 2 mealworms 1 dubia and a few crickets. We think shes receptive but there is dry shed on her eye i was wondering how to get it off I soak her daily and put her in the shower to get the mist. Am I doing somthing wrong? She weighs 88 grams, and has not lost any weight please help.
Do you have a laying bin in with her? She may be needing to lay eggs. A month is a long time. What type of lighting do you have on her cage?
hameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - shes a ambalobie female at 13 months. I have had her for 3 months Handling -i used to handel her once every few days but ever since she hasn't been eating i haven't held her for the month other than to soak her.
Feeding - i feed her mealworms dubias and crickets.she would eat 1 dubia 2 mealworms and 3-5 crickets per day in a cup. She eats that just about 3 days straight and then will skip a day. we give them potatoas and the water crystals.
Supplements - What brand and type of calcium and vitamin products are you dusting your feeders with and what is the schedule?
Watering - i mist her down about three times a day and have a misting system that i use twice a day.I mist her cage down till its wet but not soaked and the mister last for abot 5 minutes.I do not see her drink. Fecal Description - her poop is white and brown she used to poop every other day but hasnt for about a month. . she hasnt been tested for parisites. History - when i bought her 3 months ago she was coming out of a shed and hasn't shed yet.

Cage Info: i got it from LLreptiles.
Cage Type - she is in a all screen cage a 18 18 36.
Lighting - 18in uvb 2 50 watt spots. i turn them on at 6:30 before i go to school and turn them off at 9:00.
Temperature - the floor is in the high 70s and a basking spot of 80 to 90. its 65 at at night at the lowest.we used a infer red laser to measure the temp and a somthing that measures temp and humidity i dont know what its called though but it says humiditie on 1 of the gauges.
Humidity - 60 percent humidity. i mist her and keep a mist system on her.
Plants - we are using live plants she has a umbrella tree.
Placement -she is in my room were im in there 3 to 4 times just to mist her down. the top is about 4 feet from the floor we have her cage on a stand.
Location - were in ohio.
Do you have a laying bin in with her? She may be needing to lay eggs. A month is a long time. What type of lighting do you have on her cage?

yes we do have a laying bin in with her i have had it with her for about 2 months. when i bought her three months ago she had layed a clutch for the guy a month before i bought her and theen he put her with a male and nothing happened so im thinking its a infertil cutch.
I'm not an expert so don't take this for gospel. You didn't mention supplements, calcium is very important to chams i'm guessing your dusting the food right? Not sure but can you be overmisting your cham? Five times a day seems like a lot. Also not eating for a month is too long make an appointment with a vet now, chams go down hill quickly when something goes wrong. Make sure the vet is experienced with reptiles. Good luck, it seems like you've done your homework and take good care of your pet, an experts [vet] opinoin is needed here.
thanks i will mist her down a little less and yes i do dust down her crickets i will try to find a vet who knows chameleons i have a very good bearded dragon vet i will see how good he is with chameleons. thanks her eye is starting to shed now and she is more active.
If I read correctly, it sounds like her lights are on for 14.5 hours. Generally they should be on a 12 hour cycle.

You should also be adding more to the gutload for the crickets. There are some great gutload suggestions on here if you do a search. A lot of people use a mix of collard greens, potato, carrots and various other things.

What kind of supplements are you using specifically?
we do gutload with oranges and romain we use babie food for the dubia. we use all-mineral, sticky tunge farms its got calcium, vitamin d3, and other vitamins just to let all of you know what ever i did right made her eat she was eating a few dubias and super worms when i went in there i am so excited!
we use all-mineral, sticky tunge farms its got calcium, vitamin d3, and other vitamins

If that is the only thing you're dusting with you need to get some other supplements. Pick up some calcium without d3 and calcium with d3. You might be overloading her using the sticky tongue all-mineral if you're dusting daily with that.

Lightly dust with calcium without d3 most feedings, alternate between the calcium with d3 and all-mineral every 2 weeks.
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