Shedding aids??


Established Member
Whats ur thoughts on shedding aids such as the arcadia shed supoort or zoo med repti shedding aid? I have two panthers. They are both in 2x2x4 zen habitat enclosures. They share the same exact lights, mist schedule, uvb ect and one he sheds perfectly however the other ALWAYS has stuck shed and its mostly his whole body. Hes been this way since i got him and hes 1.5 years old. He alwayyyysss has shedding going on and i dont understand it. Humidity is usually 50% and 80% at night. Temps 72ish (its hard to reach 75 right now with winter) night is 68. Basking is 82-83. Uvb is 8-10 inches away depending on where on the stick he is. Replaced every 6 months. Its a reptisun t5 5.0. Calcium every feeding and his rapashy vitimin every other sundays
Whats ur thoughts on shedding aids such as the arcadia shed supoort or zoo med repti shedding aid? I have two panthers. They are both in 2x2x4 zen habitat enclosures. They share the same exact lights, mist schedule, uvb ect and one he sheds perfectly however the other ALWAYS has stuck shed and its mostly his whole body. Hes been this way since i got him and hes 1.5 years old. He alwayyyysss has shedding going on and i dont understand it. Humidity is usually 50% and 80% at night. Temps 72ish (its hard to reach 75 right now with winter) night is 68. Basking is 82-83. Uvb is 8-10 inches away depending on where on the stick he is. Replaced every 6 months. Its a reptisun t5 5.0. Calcium every feeding and his rapashy vitimin every other sundays
Chameleons are dry shedders, so any sort of shed help for normal lizards will make it even more difficult for your guy to shed. Maybe try cutting the humidity on the trouble-shedder by juuuust a bit and see if that helps? Maybe keep it closer to 40% during the day instead of 50%?
Chameleons are dry shedders, so any sort of shed help for normal lizards will make it even more difficult for your guy to shed. Maybe try cutting the humidity on the trouble-shedder by juuuust a bit and see if that helps? Maybe keep it closer to 40% during the day instead of 50%?
Thanks so much ill adjust this now and see how it goes!
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