
They're so smart too.. They know exactly where the skin is loose and watching them rub it off on branches and stuff is fun to watch. When their eyes shed I feel bad though lol it look uncomfortable heh
I know right, but my lil guy immediately does the eye shedding first before ANYTHING lol it annoys him but he's real happy when he's finished
Is there a correlation between the sheddings and their colors becoming brighter? Or are they independent of each other? I know the colors just come with age, but do they also come about with more sheddings?
Is there a correlation between the sheddings and their colors becoming brighter? Or are they independent of each other? I know the colors just come with age, but do they also come about with more sheddings?
Well, they could look different as in their colors because, prior to a shed their colors and skin will seem to be "dull" and after a shed in my experience I've seen new colors, also depending on their age too :D
Edit: And also they seem more vibrant in colors, in my experience again with my cham :)
Yeah I'm sure its more noticeable with age, but like bloftis1 said. they look a bit duller in color before they shed. and after mine shed he looked all fresh and shiny bright :)
I got my male vieled from FLCHAMS and I opted for a juvenile (2-3 mos old) and he was still tiny when he shipped here from NC’ll have to ask an expert other than me about first vet visit time...I’d think about getting a juvenile instead of a baby...mine was tiny when he came , I can’t imagine getting a baby they are itty bitty. I got my guy about four weeks ago so I’m new too. Yeah make all is right/set up and tested out before you order your Cham...will save you being forced to spend premium $$$ at the pet store due to you forgetting something (a mistake I made on lights) and my guy are like ten minutes after I got him in his
@amfire125 There is no reason to bring a young healthy Cham to the vet unless you are just wanting to introduce him for some reason. It would really just put unnecessary stress on a young animal for no reason.
Oh really? I read a lot about initial visits and running poo tests to make sure the Cham doesn't have any parasites? I was also going to call the breeder right before ordering to ask some of these more specific questions, so maybe I should just see what the breeder says?
Oh really? I read a lot about initial visits and running poo tests to make sure the Cham doesn't have any parasites? I was also going to call the breeder right before ordering to ask some of these more specific questions, so maybe I should just see what the breeder says?
Never hurts to get multiple opinions. I’m sure someone else will chime in shortly...
Oh really? I read a lot about initial visits and running poo tests to make sure the Cham doesn't have any parasites? I was also going to call the breeder right before ordering to ask some of these more specific questions, so maybe I should just see what the breeder says?
I always go by, its better safe than sorry, but anything COULD happen but, yes at the same time from being shipped I would just let him get used to his enclosure and prevent even more stress :D
Mostly just stand back and enjoy the show. The only time you would need to help is if a loop of it doesn't come off and starts to strangle a limb, toe or tail (very rarely happens).


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Mostly just stand back and enjoy the show. The only time you would need to help is if a loop of it doesn't come off and starts to strangle a limb, toe or tail (very rarely happens).
Hi I bought my Chameleon 7 days ago and noticed this little mark at the top of her leg and thought nothing of it until now . Her leg seems to have swollen up and it now looks as though this is a piece of shed that hasn’t come off. Help ? Apart from keeping the humidity up in the vivarium what do you suggest to help get it off quickly ? Thanks
I've had my male baby veiled chameleon since December 12th, he shed for the first time about 6 days after he came to me, that shed took him about 2 1/2 days to complete. He has just finished his second shed with me and he completed the whole process in about 4 hours! I bumped up the humidity in his enclosure from 50 to about 55-60% for his second shed with the repti fogger. We live in California and keeping his humidity in a good range has been a struggle. He was 2 to 3 months old when he came to me. So he is approximately 3 to 4 months old now? Here are pics from his first, then second shed. He ate his second shed, he did not eat his first shed? Anyone know why they eat it? IMG_20181218_195246_328.jpg IMG_20181219_200620_126.jpg 20190105_091940.jpg IMG_20190105_093123_264.jpg
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