

New Member
i just finished feeding Rafiki and he went to his basking spot like normal...

and then he began rubbing his eye on the jungle vine!!!!!!! lol

his whole eyelid was squishing on the jungle vine while he was rubbing it

so i'm guessing he is about to shed???

hehe his nose and his eyes are kind of looking white-ish in some spots like his skin is pulling away..

so what do you think? is he beginning to shed?
oh right i always forget that part lol.

* Your Chameleon - Ambanja Panther Chameleon, Male, 4.5 months old, been in my care for 9 days.
* Handling - i have handled him ONCE since he came here, but am not going to try anymore for another two weeks.
* Feeding - i turn my chams lights on at 7am and feed him anywhere from 8-13 crickets around 7:15. I gutload his crickets with Roman lettuce, yellow squash, zucinni, banana peel, broccoli (discontinued using broccoli), apple peel, and Fukers dry gutload mix. orange slices as well. I give him a "shake" of fruit flies around 12pm and then again around 4:30ish.
* Supplements - i use fukers calcium with D3 twice monthly and Reptical herp twice monthly and Min-er-ol calcium the rest of the time.
* Watering -i use a water dripper that i set for about 20 mins. when he is done eating and i also mist his cage down about 3 times a day with a spray bottle.
* Fecal Description - looks healthly except for the orange but i know that means he needs more misting, putting that into effect today after i found it.

Cage Info:

* Cage Type - Reptarium. 22 gal.
* Lighting - Zoomed 60 watt basking bulb and a Repti 5.0 UVB bulb? i have him on a 12 hour cycle so 7am to 7pm with lights on and 7pm to 7am with lights off. i also keep the blinds in my room open during the day for him. and now a Syvannia cfl 13w 6500k 800 lumens plant light.
* Temperature -i have two battery powered thermometers, one under his basking spot at about 86 or 87 and one at the bottom that stays around 69 to 73
* Humidity - i have a Reptifogger humidifier that i use to keep his enclosure around 60-70 % humidity during the day
* Plants - Two live plants. a dwarf umbrella and a ficus which i have Mirical Grow Organic potting soil, and also i have swished them in antibacterial soap before putting them in the cage.
* Placement -When he first got here his cage was about a foot off the ground, and the cage is about 2ft. tall... BUT i moved it to the corner of my room about 3ft off the ground plus the extra 2ft. he has in his cage...
* Location - i'm located in Houston Texas..... and we take him outside every other day for about 20 mins.

alsoooooooooo he likes to hang from the roof of the cage alot... is that normal? lol
he got his hand stuck in the mesh earlier when he was hanging from the roof i was scareddddd he would fall.

so the eye thing, still sounds like shedding?
Sometimes their eye can get irritated and they'll scratch it which is ok if its right after a mist but if they keep doing it through out the day it could be an infection. Just keep an eye on him.
How close can your little guy get to the lights? Do you have a new UVB bulb? If they get too close to a new UVB bulb it can bother their eyes.

Sometimes the new little chams will crawl and hang from the top of the cage. Hopefully, if you have plenty of plants, vines and branches for him to play on he will stop hanging on the top soon.

A couple of other recommendations:

Have your lights go off earlier at night. With the winter months coming up he will want to go to sleep earlier.

Longer mistings with warm water for the orange in the poop

I would lower the basking temps a 83 or 84 for a 4 1/2 month old.

You might want to check out this link for more info:
Oh my goodness he is deffinately shedding.

i'm such a nerd lol i have never had a reptile before so its new and funny!

but i think thats the answer for the eye... i think they might be a little irritated from the new bulb.. i raised the basking light so the temp went down to the lower 80s
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