Should I be worried?


New Member
So I've had my baby panther he was hatched may 30'th. Well I got him 4 days ago I've seen poop on a few places. Well I have yet to catch him eat anything yet I've put crickets in his cage and in his feeder cup. I've caught him a couple times drinking water, he seems to always be moving around sometimes bask, he stays a greenish color until I'm in my room moving around a lot then he stays blackish brown. I'm just worried about the little guy.

What are you worried about? He sounds fine to me, but pictures would help. If it is his eating that you are worried about, he most likely will not eat from the cup and he probably is too scared to eat in front of you. I would let him settle in for a bit and try hand feeding. As long as you take it slow and easy, he will come around.

*In case it isn't clear, you should put a few insects in his cage and leave them for him to eat. Just make sure there are not a bunch of crickets in there at night and add a carrot or other bug food for them to eat instead of the chameleon.
What are you worried about? He sounds fine to me, but pictures would help. If it is his eating that you are worried about, he most likely will not eat from the cup and he probably is too scared to eat in front of you. I would let him settle in for a bit and try hand feeding. As long as you take it slow and easy, he will come around.

*In case it isn't clear, you should put a few insects in his cage and leave them for him to eat. Just make sure there are not a bunch of crickets in there at night and add a carrot or other bug food for them to eat instead of the chameleon.
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