Should i free range or cup feed?


Established Member
I was finishing up my big cage and i was thinking she will have to run around like crazy to get the crickets. So i was wondering if i should still free range them for her to get exercise or can/should i do cup feeding? I will be moving her in a week or so, and i wanted so advice thanks.
If there is nothing on the bottom of the cage i would free range.

AKA plant pots are at least a foot off the floor and plant dirt is covered with 1"+ rocks. And sticks do not end at the bottom of the cage.

Free ranging crickets is fine as long as you dont provide huge hide spots for them.

In a bad setup all the crickets gather under (or worse all drown in the flower pot water saucer) the flower pots or other large objects on the bottom of the cage. If you get rid of all the hide spots the crickets will not gather together and instead hide under leaves and stuff where the cham can hunt.

You could provide a release jug to delay the inevitable. Make a sunnyD deathtrap and leave the lid off the bottom so the crickets can excape after a while. Or just a bucket with a drain hole that you know they can get out of. This will give the cham a small "free lunch" at feeding time and maybe alittle extra calcium powder.
i think whatever works for you! cup feeding would make it easier for you to keep track of what she's eating and for her to find her food :) you could always do that and then let a few out free range and see if she gets them. if she doesnt get them, then just do the cup feeding!
Well i have a veiled .. and i suggest hand feed..
Because it is very cool and creeattes a bond with your cham
And yourself if you feed crickets il do cup feed.. how
Ever if they jump out what happends with me .. they will make allot of noise
So you decide :) :)
Well i do hand feed sometimes she will only take one or two outta my hand. I thought about doing the sunny d death trap not to sure. I guess i will try all kinds of things and see what she does.

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