Show me your veileds!! :)

Grumpy guy


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If he is like Clyde then I should have name him grumpy he doesn't like to be hailed I have tried to hold him since he was a baby him don't know like it lol
My Past and Present Breeder Males


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Oh my gosh he is stunning! He's like my guy Earl, when he gets all pissy with me he gets purple spots on him kinda like yours :)

Really? Very average looking veild I think :). He's actually really calm, but that's my buddy's arm and I took the picture with a panther sitting on my shoulder so he was a bit pissed.
Really? Very average looking veild I think :). He's actually really calm, but that's my buddy's arm and I took the picture with a panther sitting on my shoulder so he was a bit pissed.
I have a soft spot for veilds, lol. I can't resist them ;_; which is odd I guess because it seems like most lean towards panthers. But I have both and I love veilds, hehe
I have a soft spot for veilds, lol. I can't resist them ;_; which is odd I guess because it seems like most lean towards panthers. But I have both and I love veilds, hehe

I really love montane species. T. Werneri my fave by far.
Ali the veiled

Haven't shown off this beast for a while he is almost 2 and his yellow are are awaome


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My boy Zeus he is about 6 months old, love how big his casque is now!! Sorry 2 of them are upside down but can't fix it on my phone lol


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My Veileds, Romeo and Juliette! ( my daughters named them, can you tell? )


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Here's Lucky! My 7 mo. old turquoise veiled from breeder Chris Klienman of Fairfield. Great little guy that was hand raised/fed by Chris. Got him at 4 mo. old and have been captivated by him ever since.


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Updated Photos of My Veileds

It's been awhile since I posted my veileds here. Sage was only 4 months old and now I have 3 additions boys and one precious little girl.

Lottie 14 1/2 month old


Sage 2 years old


Spike 3 1/2 years old


Amos 14 1/2 months old


Andy 14 1/2 months old

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