

New Member
I put Moe in the shower five minutes ago. He is starting to shed again and since he had a hard time last time he shed, I thought I would help him out from the very beginning with a nice shower (especially since the heat is on in the house and therefore the air is already dryer than normal). My question is, how long do you guys normally shower your Cham for? I was thinking thirty minutes but wasn't sure if people shower longer than that or less than that. I don't think a nice long shower would hurt any as long as the Cham can get dry afterwards. Am I wrong? I don't want to cause harm by giving him a long shower when in turn I'm really trying to help. Thanks.
I shower my male veield for abotu 10-20 minutes depending on his mood.
Sometimes, he tolerates it and i can do for 20 minutes, some days, hes not having it at all, and i only do it for 10 minutes.
I went ahead and showered him for 30-35 minutes. Is that maybe too long? He was just relaxing on his plant anyway. He has been very friendly (more so than usual) this morning anyway. I tried to feed him a few hornworms this morning. He ate one and then went straight for my hand, climbed on, walked up my arm and sat on my shoulder. Then he didn't want to get off, not even to get on his tree. That's when I noticed the area beginning to shed. He at first didn't want to get on the plant in the shower but when I finally got him on it he just hung out. I nabbed a few pictures of him and his lovely relaxed colors. The shed is hard to make out in the picture but it's starting to peel on his back at the base of his tail.




And just cause I feel like it, one of him snoozing:

if he was cool with 30 min, and the water was warm, its all good. cute cham, very handsome. :D
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