Showers ~ Newbie Help


New Member
Hello! I have been reading on the forums about showering your cham and how it can be great for re-hydrating and just for them to enjoy. Curious though, at what age can you start doing this? My little guy is only 4 months old and he is so tiny. Would just misting him in the bathtub for a few minutes (with a mister containing reptisafe) suffice for a little guy?
For a shower, you put your chams favorite plant in the bath tub and run the water so it is warm. Don't put it to warm though just enough to were it isn't cold. Have the shower head pointed to one of the walls of the shower so the water bounces off and he gets indirect mist. Your cham is old enough to be put into a shower. The shower session should only last about 30 minutes though.
Oh AWESOME thank you! I feel like he is going to love it! Should I be worried about plain shower water or anything like that?
holliehawk- all chameleons need a water source , the mositure that they are consuming from their food may not be enough, even though the champ may appear healthy denying sufficient water can eventualy lead to organ damage / failure at a later age. To keep the stress levels down , leave the cham in the cage and lightly spray the insides of the cage over a period of a few minutes. i have some that will then drink from the plants and others that will only drink from a dropper. You will need to test out which method will work best for your youngster, but water once or twice a day will ensure a happy cham
Yes, I have a mister for him and in addition to that I am misting him a couple times a day by hand. I was just wondering about the shower as an additional option for him :)
apolgies Holliehawk i misunderstood your post, i find my two female panthers do not mind being relocated although the males stress themselves silly untill they are back in their cages. maybe run a test over a few days, and watch for stress.
hey no worries! I appreciate the help and its always better safe than sorry with the little cuties! I will definitely keep my eye on him, though he doesn't seem to mind too much being out.
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