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Help We had 2 healthy baby chameleons 2 weeks ago since then we've lost one baby chameleon and now our 2nd is exhibiting the same symptoms as the 1st. The 1st little baby was actually quite a bit smaller so we're not sure if it was failure to thrive or something actually wrong with him. One day he got very lethargic and wouldn't open his eyes and it took him 4 days before he finally passed. The bigger chameleon which is the girl was doing great Up until yesterday and she is now exhibiting the same symptoms that she keyed was. We recently upgraded their cage to a bigger cage right now but since the baby started acting weird We place them back in their baby Box. We're running AT5 lamp we've removed the phone fogger per other breeders advice off Facebook. We're missing her 2 to 3 times A-day and feeding her plenty but she's not eating. Please help we don't wanna lose another baby.