Sick Cham

Mel Cheal

New Member
A friend of mine who works at petsmart told me there was a sick and dying chameleon at her store and she needed someone to take it in. Being a reptile nerd, I did just that. Last night I drove over an hour to get the little girl. I got her a vet appointment wednesday. I need recommendations on what to do until then, and maybe some insight on what is going on with her. She is a juvie veiled chameleon. She has very sunken in eyes, hasn't been eating on her own, and is very lethargic. She appears to be fairly skinny too. I got her into a fairly large screen cage now, which will def be better then the tiny tank she was in at the store.
Any help is very appreciated!

Poor little girl.
I recommend getting some food in her and plenty of water. LONG warm mistings and see if she will drink on her own. I would also buy some Fluckers Repti- Boast and give her some of that.
Lots of water. Water is needed for all bodily functions that I can think of. Water is the oil of the body.
I have been doing lots and lots of misting. I haven't seen her drink yet though, any suggestions for getting her to drink?
You could try using a syringe to put a few drops right into her mouth. Use a syringe with out a needle.
Try the shower method. You could also drop some water on her nose towards the back, and let it run down the will sometime drink like that. It can a lot of times take them several minutes to decide to drink so be patient with her and don't give up. Good luck
ok I will try that, thanks! I have some repti boost so I will try that as well
If you try to put it directly into her mouth please try to put it towards the back of the mouth, or you could aspirate her. She breaths from the front part of her mouth. I would try the less evasive methods first if it were me.
ok thank you. I'm usually not a fan of forcing anything on them, but if it comes to that I will get myself prepared.
I don't think I can do the shower method, she is having trouble holding onto anything.
I mixed up some repti boost. She wouldn't take it on her own, so I did assist feed. I'm just glad I got some into her. Poor thing is so weak.

I don't think I can do the shower method, she is having trouble holding onto anything.
I mixed up some repti boost. She wouldn't take it on her own, so I did assist feed. I'm just glad I got some into her. Poor thing is so weak.

Mist a lot then and keep humidity high.
yes I will get a picture when I get home.
So here's the deal, she has an impaction from mealworms (shows why they aren't great feeders). Blood has been coming out of her vent. I woke up this morning to find her throwing up all over herself. I rushed her to the vet and am awaiting more news now. I'll let you guys know
I know your intentions are good but petsmart will just get another chameleon and treat it the same terrible way. I hope she makes a full recovery and lives a great life with you. Good luck with the rehab
I got her for almost nothing and the store isn't getting any more shipments of reptiles.. thanks for the concern tho....
She is still at the vet. She got ringers through iv. She's staying there over night tonight
So they "sold" you a sick creature instead of just giving her to you? Too bad, unless I misunderstood.
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