Sick chameleon

my female chameleon is about 6-7 months old and she is very sick. About a week ago we figured out she can have a bone disease. Does anyone think they know what she has?
MBD no dought about it. I don't think she can climb very well or she would not be like that. Get calcium supplements ASAP. Normal calcium to (lightly) dust feeders every feeding calcium with d3 twice a month. You need to do your best to help her now before it gets worse. Is her mouth open in the pic because if now there is something very wrong with that lip. Vet ASAP, the previous owner(s) took care of her horribly.
MBD no dought about it. I don't think she can climb very well or she would not be like that. Get calcium supplements ASAP. Normal calcium to (lightly) dust feeders every feeding calcium with d3 twice a month. You need to do your best to help her now before it gets worse. Is her mouth open in the pic because if now there is something very wrong with that lip. Vet ASAP, the previous owner(s) took care of her horribly.
We brought her to the vet. The treatments are very expensive and when I go near her, her tongue goes back in her mouth. But know we are giving her calcium very often.
Her front legs don't look bad, but her back legs don't look right. Do you have a picture of her set up?
I don't really understand this. She was fine like 10 days ago. This suddenly happened in one day. How can something happen this fast?
Has she fallen recently that you know of? She could have had mild mbd and then fallen and broke a leg because the front legs look ok
She can't. I have to put food in her mouth
She doesn't look that bad. Dex was diagnosed with MBD last month and now he has grown couple of inches. She needs sun light, lots of them if you can. I didn't have to force feed Dex, he used to get hot under the sun and opened his mouth, so that's how I fed him. I smashed couple of crickets (it sounds cruel) and I mixed them with water and minerals with D3. I placed the dead cricket close to his mouth, and then he ate it. After a week, he started eating on his own, but his tongue was still a bit week. I'm posting a pic of the powder with minerals and D3.


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