Sick Female Veiled Chameleon

I didnt use saline, just water and cotton balls. I wasnt able to get her to take the vitamin a. Maybe it was the substrate petco told me to use? Seems like once that was gone and she got some fresh air and sun she was content again. I did notice today she has a small, healing, scratch above her problem eye. Im thinking from the male when he tried "claiming" her on my arm. Kept them separate ever since with her being so young.
The scratch/bruise could also be from rubbing her eye. If she will hand feed, you could administer the vitamin A by rubbing a worm with the q-tip and then feeding it to her. It would just have to be consumed soon after applying it to the insect.

Substrate can generate bacteria, especially if it is not kept clean by insects such as springtails. But it is hard to say exactly what the cause is. I would just try to administer at least one dose of vitamin A to rule out the problem.
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