Sick veiled- should I take it on?

Update! So I went to the vet Thursday and picked up her meds (the antibiotic and I made sure they gave me the calcium glub. It's kinda sad, but the vet was so uncertain of her survival that he said it would probably be better to wait on eye ointments. Plus her eyes were so shut that they wouldn't be much good now. He admitted that there is a lot wrong with her. I feel bad and that I should have demanded they let me take her when I first noticed her 2-3 weeks ago...

But, she's starting to get fiesty. I put her on the ground the other night and she actually puffed up at me and opened her mouth. She's more reactive, and her Titan grip is back! She is a fuss to give meds to, but we manage lol. Also at the end of the day, and ideally 3 times a day, I moisten the eyes with warm water under the faucet and massage them. Last night I was able to get the eyelids open and drain them a little (she really enjoys it and will lean into my finger. So cute.

As for the green in the cage, that is just the color of the insert. If there's anything down it's paper towels and it's changed out daily. I will look into silkworms when she gets her eyes open and will take solid food.

Thanks for all your encouragement and advice!

My little girl does have eyes!!! First time she's had them both open for a prolonged period of time; had to document it!
Very sick, but appears to be on the mend.

And! Just after I posted the photo, she pooped for the first time in 5 days. The vet had told me that her belly seemed descended and that she probably had a blockage, and that really scared me. But I figured her system was just like "omg you actually have food in me now".
Her poop looked great!! I was shocked. Well-formed solids (pale though but I'm guessing the formula I've been force feeding her is what caused that) and a mostly white urite (some orange at one end, but that's expected after not passing anything for 5+ days)
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