Signs of pregnancy?


New Member
I have an idea that my wittle girl might be gravid. She has acquired blue and yellow but no dark coloring. She also has a bit of a belly, but I can't tell if its normal are not. The yellow coloring showed up on new years day. An egg laying bin is available for her disposal. I have seen her at the bottom a few times but I can't tell if she is exploring or not.

Heres a video taken about 18 days ago.

IMG_0002 by SarahSurfr, on Flickr
She eats about 8 crickets a day easy. But I believe she is only 9 months old so thats the reason I haven't cut down yet.
And she is not as eager to eat as she used to, I swear she sprinted down to her bin, now not so much.

There's a definite "shape" there which could indicate eggs.

It's not a quick takes awhile, so she might know there's a reason to be thrilled with the bin, but not be ready to use it. Keep it in there, keep it moist, watch her progress.
She looks like she could have a little mommy pudge to her, was she introduced to a male? If so, how long ago/does she turn very dark colors when she sees him now?
No male in sight, except for in the pet store when she was approx. 3 months of age.

And how long about, she has been showing like this for a little while.
I think it varies a lot. Just keep the bin in there and monitor the situation. If she gets to the point you can see egg shapes (like a bag of marbles) she should be ready to go to the bin.
What a beautiful little lady! Her colors are just gorgeous! She does look to be caring eggs. Just keep an eye on the moisture in the sand/dirt that you have in her laying bin. They like it not to wet and not to dry and make sure it's deep enough......12 inches. These little girls can be picky. You might find my egg laying/laying bin blog attached below useful. Keep us posted on how she's doing. Jann
This chameleon is not 3 months old.

However, there have been stories of females as young as 5 months bearing eggs.

I think he/she meant cause people were talking about the chameleon being introduced to a male at the pet store at 3 months of age and now she might be pregnant.
Thanks everyone, you guys are great! I meant the last time she has come in contact or even seen a male was 6 months ago, when she was 3 months old.
Also to Jannb, I'm constantly referring to your blog. She currently has a 14.5 inch deep bucket at the bottom of her enclosure. :)
Ok so now she doesn't have as eager of an appetite as before...what stage is she in about?
If I show her the crickets she get one or two but if I put them in her usual spot she pays no attention as she would before.
How many days has she been off her food? I'm taking it you still have the laying bin in the cage with her. Make sure she has access to it and keep it moist. She should go down to it and start digging when it's time.
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